"They're gone," He said between breaths. "They're really gone."

Reality was crashing around him, being crushed before him and all he could do was cry. Minutes on the clock spun around him, increasing him inside time itself. He saw every second of his life until he was back inside his own body. He took a shaky breath and looked up at the younger. He slowly stood, gripping the crown in his hands. Techno glared out the window, his blood red eyes pulsed before looking back to Ranboo.

"I'll be okay, we need to get out of here first." He placed that crown back into the box. "Where is Miss Catherine?"

"She's with the head master down stairs, Dream is already taking care of the other part of the plan we just need to find Houghton."

"Good, then let's at least get rid of those two." He gave a nod and they walked out into the hall.

They split off at the base of the stairs, Ranboo fearfully walked to the adults at the front door while Techno made his way to the basement. It was colder than he last remembered and shadows lurked behind the closed doors, begging for him to open them.

Techno stopped in front of the large iron door, haunting memories of being locked behind that door surfaced in his mind. He glared at the room filled with sour thoughts until he felt that he got his point across, afterwards he hid inside the closet beside it. Techno waited for Miss Catherine's footsteps to sound in the corridors. His ears strained to listen for Ranboo's, nearly giving him a headache to hear the soft pitter-patter.

Ranboo was radiating with anxiety. He walked up to Miss Catherine and the Headmaster, visibly shaking as he stepped closer. Don't forget...Don't forget he told himself.

Their eyes met and he halted mid-stride, wobbling to catch himself.

"Miss, Miss Catherine," He fidgeted with his hands and felt they were clammy. "I need your help, I told them not to go to the basement but they didn't listen."

Ranboo buried his discomfort, now wasn't the time to cry over something stupid.

"What?!" The snake hissed as she looked down at the mouse. "Who?"

"Dream and Techno," Glancing at the Headmaster, his gray eyes flickered from a spark of anger. His neck shrunk into his shoulders. "They wouldn't tell me what they were doing, I just know that it will be bad and I don't want anyone getting hurt!"

"Where did you say they were headed?" The Headmaster spoke flatly while he crept towards Ranboo.

"The-" He paused, trying to remember what it was called. Did they say take them to the basement or keep them away from the basement? Ranboo heard his heart jumping in his chest as the adults stared at him, expecting an immediate answer. "T-the basement, I think."

The Headmaster shoved past them and headed to the basement, the others trailing behind.

"Ranboo do you know where in the basement they were going to," The man glanced back at the boy expectantly.

"They said something about an iron door."

He turned sharply then faced a hallway. He glared at the forbidding door at the end of the corridor. It opened wide, driving them from safety. Ranboo froze in the middle of the hall, his stare fixed on the darkness.


Techno swung the door open, tackling the first person he laid eyes on. He forced the Headmaster to the floor, hitting him against the stone ground. The Headmaster's eyes flickered shut before he gasped for the air that fled his lungs. Techno whipped his head back, an unbreakable grip on his hair, then shoved him into the cement ground. The headmaster fell silent.

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