Chapter Twenty-Five: Demonic Presence

Start from the beginning

He was certain the person with his fire was somewhere within the dimension— within the town. What better place to look than this party?

The timing couldn't have been more perfect; there was no way he could miss this demon now. The only problem was trying to pick out who they were from within the mob of townspeople.

Well, there was more than one problem, if he were to be honest.

Just what am I to do when I do find the one with my fire?

He was a little more than confused in hindsight. He didn't understand how someone had his fire in the first place. He didn't just go around dimensions granting creatures a portion of his powers; most of his time was spent in his home dimension. He wasn't necessarily a large figure back at home, but with his modest title of one of the few Lords within his twilight colored world, he definitely had his fair share of responsibilities.

So just how did this creature harness my black flames?

The tall man kept wandering through the party, keeping himself confined within the four walls with the noise and cheer of the current festivities. The person was close; they had to be amongst the partying citizens.

He stuck out like a sore thumb; while others were cheering and dancing without a care in the world, there he was, sneaking around in the background, nearly flush with the walls as he scanned for the demon in disguise. He was positive he was garnering glances from the more astute people of the party, but as he kept walking around in circles (a square, really), he was slowly losing track of the energy that had drawn him to the party in the first place.

It had just... vanished. As if someone had blown out a candle; snuffed out a small flame. It was there one moment and disappeared in the next, leaving him with a sudden chill.

"Where on Earth...?"

He paused for a moment, clutching his red solo cup tightly. No... the energy wasn't gone, not completely. It was just in a different place. A much farther place. They were on the move.

He could still feel something. It wasn't as strong as it was previously, but the demon was still within this specific plane of existence.

"They must be out in the woods," he muttered, rolling his eyes. "They must have sensed me and tried to leave."

The man swiveled his head around the room for what felt like the fifth time that night, looking for an exit. There appeared to only be one: the same door he— and everyone else at the party— had entered through. But based upon the steady influx of people still battling to get through the door, he figured that it would be best to look for another exit.

But first, he thought, stopping by a speaker. The deep bass mixed with the high-pitched melody made his jaw clench and head buzz. He could feel those human eyes throb within his skull, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. I have to get away from this... "music."

Amber eyes spotted the staircase in the corner of the party room, leading up to the rest of the house. With a small sigh of relief, he made his way to his only exit, eager to leave all the incessant noise and clatter of the festivities behind him.

He discarded his cup in a nearby garbage pin, sticking his hands in the pockets of his shorts as he made his way up the stairs, trying to look as casual as possible. The Coke he had left a bad taste in his mouth, and he couldn't wait to return home for some tea. He hoped that Ashgar would prepare some in advance; they were always incredibly insightful. It was just one of the things that made the demon so incredibly grateful for them.

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