"Stop jumpin' to conclusions."

"I mean if you datin' a nigga that's the obvious conclusion."

"Shut up and help me think about where we could go."

"That new club just opened up, how bout there?"

"You like clubs?" His opposite shrugged his shoulders.

"It's a suggestion."

"Bout the only one we got so I'ma take it,"He moved off the bed thumb typing a quick text to his sister, giving her a heads up. "Lemme see if I can get a babysitter for Mais, I'll arrange it and text you the time."

"Aight," He then pulled Nardo back."Wait."


"Gimme a kiss." Horace rolled his eyes, pecking Kentrell's lips for a second before he deepened it, grasping the youngers chin. As their tongues moved against each other, he could feel the butterflies in his stomachs.

"Trell," He said softly when they broke apart, Kentrell biting his lip mischievously.

"You can go now."

"Niggas get me hot and bothered just to send me away."

"I told you the table always an option." Horace laughed again mushing his head.

"Bro, get back."


He'd talked it over with Maia, asking when was the last time she'd been out the house and when she had fun, playing up the fact she needed a break.

Scheduled the time for them to go and boom everything was set in place. Horace was anxious because it was last minute but excited at the same time, hoping things would go well.

"You say this guy is cool?" Maia inquired while doing her makeup in the bathroom mirror, Nardo scrolling through his phone.

"I think so."

"Is he cute?" She asked the sly glint in her eye making him frown.

"He's taken."

"And how serious is the relationship?"

"Very serious." He deadpanned, not a hint of jokes in his tone. Maia caught a quick glance of his face and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay then, just checkin'."

"Yeah, yeah checkin' to be a homewrecker." He said Maia elbowing him in his side, chuckling.

"Boy you know I was playin'."She shook her head, fixing her lip gloss,"I could never see myself doin' that to another girl."

Horace stayed quiet, mouth drawn into a tight line. He thought about telling Maia that this was his boyfriend she was meeting but instead he brushed it off. They needed to have a stronger base before that conversation.

There was a knock on the door and he thanked God in his head cause it was beginning to feel a bit stifling waiting for her to finish.

Kentrell stood behind it and he dapped him up, slightly missing his lips when he tried to get a kiss.

He looked at him confused, Horace moving to the side when Maia came to the front from the bathroom.

"Kentrell this my sister, Maia." He cleared his throat. "Maia, this is Kentrell." He watched as they awkwardly shook hands.

"I thought he was the babysitter at first,"Maia spoke, "Juju's still on the couch sleep."

"We can wait a while lil longer then." They sat in silence for a minute before Julian began to awake sitting up on the couch, rubbing sleep out his eyes.

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