If only... (You were here.)

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A/N: Dark ending pt.1

Levi POV:

I'm holding Luca at the top of an old eight story building. I wasn't supposed to find him, but I thank every universal power that I did. My hold on him gets tighter each time he shivers, each time his eyes close for a second, each time another trickle of blood drips onto the concrete, each time I feel just how lightweight he's become.

I feel relief washing over me as I see the bright flashing lights, and hear the blaring sirens, as I hear the steady thud of people running up the stairs. "Luca...Help is finally here, look!" I gently nudge him towards the commotion, only to have my heart sink at the way his head lolls in my arms. His face is slack and tear stained, and his eyes are locked shut as I realize in a panic that the shuddering but steady rising and falling of his chest is gone.

He's not  b r e a t h i n g.

"LUCA! HELP, PLEASE H-HURRY! PLEASE! HES NOT- HES NOT BREATHING!! HES NOT BREATHING- PLEASE! NO!" I scream at the top of my lungs, my desperate cries for help causing my throat to burn from the strain, but I don't care. I watch as the EMT's run to me and coax him from my arms, placing my brother's limp body gently on the floor. I stand back, listening to one of them speaking calmly but urgently, but I'm only able to understand and pick up on a few of his words.

"...hand me the guaze...
...stop the blood...
...heart rate dropping...

I watch helplessly as they throw off his beloved jacket, which lands in front of me. I pick it up and hold it tightly against my chest, Luca's gentle but sweet smell mixed in with the overwhelming scent of blood. They quickly cut through the red soaked fabric of his t-shirt. I can feel my eyes widen in horror, if I wasn't already crying, I definitely am now.

Carefully calculated deep cuts line his arms, pumping out blood.

He didn't deserve this.

An EMT practically demands the defibrillator, and my mind begins to disassociate with my body. I feel a sob tear itself from my sore throat as Luca's body jerks with a shock of electricity and it sinks in.

I was too late.

My mind finally goes numb as I hear the defibrillator charge over and over again, but to no avail.

He's gone.

My Light in the darkness, the literal white to my black, my closest friend and the sweetest boy I've ever known, my only brother, my baby brother, is... he's gone and he can't come back. He's managed to cheat himself out of so many situations before, but there are no do-overs in death.

I can't help but wonder, what could I have done better?

With that thought, a tsunami of regret and sorrow swallows me whole, as I give in, having lost my will, my reason to fight. I scream into the void, tears falling like rivers.

My world has stopped spinning, and if it does again....

I doubt it will ever be the same.

Luca POV:

My brain flushes in and out of consciousness. One moment I can can think clearly, and the next, everything feels blank. Something akin to white noise fills my head.

I hear someone whispering, before a harsh sound rings through the air, voices frantically shouting around me. One of them sounds like Levi.

That's... concerning.

What's wrong, is he ok? Why can't I see him, what's going on?!

Something moves, and Oh God can you please not do that again? My arms hurt.

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