⚠️ burn.|Kyan oneshot.

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Finally thought of how to write this.
I really like to think of Ubercorn as a dad figure for the main four.

Spoilers for: Harbin Ice City

Necessary warnings: details of burn injury, drowning in freezing water, panic attack.

Summary: This takes place the day after the events of the Harbin Ice City in China. Kyan is traumatised by said incident which results in a panic attack and Ubercorn, being the dad-corn he is, helps him out of it.


Kyan inhaled slowly, shakily, in and out as he tried to keep calm and composed. It was quite a chore, for he was holding the thing that was triggering his instability at that moment.

The acrobat's hand was shaking slightly as he gripped the photograph from the day prior. It felt sickening to even look at it, even if everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves within.

The Harbin Ice City in China.

It was supposed to be a regular mission involving the usual Glitch.

Instead, his Click-On malfunctioned, slamming himself into the overheating Grim HQ, not only leaving a massive burn on his back, but also skidded into the freezing water, so he almost drowned at the same time.

He had only just escaped, having to hide the pain of the gargantuan injury embedded on his back.

He hadn't even removed his suit because the extreme heat had melted it into his skin. He had attempted to remove it prior to falling asleep last night, but it hurt tremendously.

He was moderately worried that it could get infected if he persisted, but right now that was not on his mind.

In fact, there was almost nothing swirling through his head- apart from yesterday.

Oh, how it ironically chilled him to the core, the mere thought of such an event tearing apart at his mindset, forcing itself to be seen.

His hand inched towards his head, gently rubbing it as he squeezed his eyes shut. A feeble attempt to block out the vivid flashbacks and thoughts that yearned to rip his emotional state apart.

Holy shit.

It hurt.

A lot.

All of a sudden, Kyan felt submerged all over again, as if he was still locked to the gigantic metal ship that burned and scarred his skin; a combination of blazing heat and overwhelmingly freezing water that attacked his entire body.

His legs buckled, unable to stay upright, a fearful mess lost in a traumatic episode.

He felt all of it.

The thick fabric melding and fusing into his skin like wax, the bitter frozen water that prickled his face and hands like numerous long thorns, even attacking his eyes and blurring his vision.

Kyan felt as if he couldn't breathe, even with the labored gasps and how intensely he was trying to stay alive in his panicked state.

His eyes shot open, wide and terrified, hands gripping at his wild hair so firmly and desperately the roots stung horribly. He felt sick to his stomach, the nauseating feeling rising into his very heart.

He couldn't hear anything apart from the noisy rushing of water and hissing steam emanating from Grim HQ, too petrified to process the fact it was all in his head.

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