Injury HCs: the Main Four

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Xuli: Several scars from crash landings and failed takeoffs, the most serious being on her leg when it was crushed by the Vroomster's wing whilst trying to fix it without Lars' help. She walks with a slight limp due to this, despite it being healed.

Kyan: Multiple scars all over his body with a massive burn mark spreading from the top of his back running down to his pelvis, covering the shoulder blades. He acquired this from the Harbin Ice City incident, and it is very sensitive.

Lars: Surprisingly very little for he is incredibly cautious. The few he does have is from accidents while fixing Click-Ons and vehicles.

Foz: Also very little, but has a big one from attempting to ride the Vroomster (some time after the Tulip Fields in the Netherlands). It's on his outer thigh, but it doesn't interfere with his movement or ail him in any way.

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