Backstory headcanons: The Main Four

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Full name: Xuli Morales

Present age: 24

Pronouns: She/Her

Ethnicity: Spanish

Languages: Spanish and English

Birthday: 7th June 20XX

Sexuality: Straight

Our top pilot has two loving parents and a baby sister living in Seville, Spain. She keeps in very close contact with them whilst staying at the academy, visiting once every Christmas if possible.

When she was around two years old, her parents placed four toys in front of her: a train set, a fabric doll, a set of miniature animal figures and lastly, a model plane.

Xuli of course picked up the plane first, and ever since she has been fascinated by aeronautics and aviation. She even had a dream to fly herself, not in a plane or helicopter but entirely on her own like a bird.

She had some friends throughout school until college where they had to split apart due to taking different career paths.

Xuli carried on her dream into Flight School, graduating the top of her class. Of course, her parents were extremely proud of her and showed support every step of the way.

When she got her letter from the Go-Jet Academy to become a main team pilot, she was shocked but ecstatic. She took up the offer immediately and said goodbye to her parents, promising to write and visit.

When she arrived at the academy, she was greeted by Ubercorn, Lars and Foz, who had arrived a few weeks earlier. They all introduced each other and shook hands, explaining the basics of the main team.

Two years after she joined the Go Jetters, her parents gave birth to a lovely little girl named Lucia. Xuli plays with her little sister every time she visits home and always brings back a souvenir from her missions.

Present Xuli is adventurous and determined, yet stubborn. She finds it difficult to accept no for an answer and tends to sulk if things don't go her way. Nonetheless, she is extremely loyal to her team and cares massively about them.


Full name: Kyan Liu

Present age: 25

Pronouns: He/Him

Ethnicity: Asian American (Chinese)

Languages: Mandarin and English

Birthday: 14th September 20XX

Sexuality: Pansexual

Kyan is an only child who lived with his father in Shanghai, China, before moving to Illinois when he was 3 years old. Unfortunately, his mother died during childbirth from blood loss complications, leaving only his father to raise him with help from his grandfather. Due to this, he never knew anything about his mother, or had the chance to meet her.

Growing up, Kyan was an incredibly hyperactive child who loved climbing and running around. However, this led to a lot of reckless injuries, from a simple graze on the sidewalk to a fractured collarbone. Despite all these injuries, Kyan never let it drag him down.

In regards of his grandfather, Kyan loved to listen to him tell stories and legends, whether it was in real time or over call with his father. Sadly, he didn't want to move to America with the two, but they still keep in contact with each other.

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