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(Alarm Clock Goes Off)
"Ugh.." Fay slams the pillow and gets up to turn it off and lazily puts on her sloppy uniform. She brushes her hair, puts her hat on, fixes her gloves and picks up her bag to go. She walks into school and all she hears is whispers, she runs over to her best friend (so far), Rosie.
"Oh my god, what happened? Who died?" Fay laughed jokingly.
Rosie gasped and covered her mouth and then burst into tears and was comforted by a friend beside her. The friend speaks up,
"That's Low, Fay." And she flicks her hair. Rosie interrupts,
"No, No, she didn't know, leave her alone Jen."
Jen huffs and crosses her arms and turns around to look at the 'juicy' reactions of the other students. Fay, still confused, stuttered,
"What? What happened? Someone actually died?!" Rosie wipes her tears and begins,
"It was Amelia." Fay covered her mouth and froze in her spot. Amelia? That girl that Rosie's known her WHOLE life? The kind person who introduced her to Rosie in the first place? Fay yells,
"No! No no, that's not true. I texted her last night. It's only been a few hours! Right after I got home with Freddie, the boy I was telling you about." Rosie added,
"That would be correct. She was murdered around eleven thirty pm."
Fay had so many thoughts running through her head. SHE TEXTED AMELIA AT ELEVEN.
"One second- I, uh.. you? Rosie, are you okay?"
Rosie slammed her hand forward and pushed Fay, which was extremely unlike the kind, modest, peaceful Rosie she knew.
"Okay.." Fay nodded, "I'll let you be alone for just a minute.."
She walked down into the school, the rest of the people still standing shell shocked at the fact the Rosie had just hurt someone? She felt like she was being watched, that's when she listened in on the whispers.
"I heard Amelia was writing a love note to Fay, but she was killed while writing it."
"Oh shut up! It wasn't a 'love-note' it was just titled 'to Fay'"
Fay thought and grabbed the side of her cardigan tight in fear, the last thing Amelia did was think of her. The guilt Fay felt for turning silent mode on because she didn't want to call Amelia that night, and how suddenly the calls stopped at around the exact time Rosie said she died. She held in tears as she walked into School and people were pointing and staring, all she heard were people either sympathising with her and Rosie for their loss, or blaming Fay for Amelia's death, because they all thought that maybe Amelia could've ran away if she wasn't writing that stupid 'love-note'
She walks into her first class, French and sits at her seat, taking out her books, shaking in fear.
"Hey.. are you okay?" She turns around to see a boy that also happens to be in her English class.
Fay wipes her tears, "yes, I'm okay. Now the lessons about to start, leave me alone.."
The boy gently layer his hand on hers, and she felt like she was being watched.
The boy began, "hey, I heard of you and Amelia. I knew you were close, and your the new girl to school so, this must be really hard for you."
She sat and stared at her pencil and shrugged him away, then began writing her notes, the teacher walked in and she copied the board as the teacher talked. She was writing so shakily you couldn't make out her hand writing, until she shook so hard her hand slipped across the page and ripped the page, making a loud noise, so everyone turned. She got up and ran away, too embarrassed to even make eye contact with anyone.
"Hey, wait!"

The bathroom.

She took out her phone and played with the phone charm while texting Freddie.
-I heard your friend died, are you ok?
-yeah. I guess some boy made me feel a bit better.
-oo, what's his name? (Obviously trying to distract her from the recent death)
-his name is.. Uhm.. I don't know.
- awe, a missed opportunity to make a k-I-s-s-I-n-g joke.. :((
-your so supportive and silly. I love that. I just know we'll be good friends.
-heck yeah! Now get to class, and keep talking to that boy!

She instead, walked home, where Freddie was waiting for her.
"It's 12am, I'm not supposed to be home until 3. What are you doing here?" Fay questioned Freddie as she went to unlock her door.
"I figured you would be here from the text messages."
Fay shrugged her blazer off and set it on the coat peg nearest to the door as she opened it,
"Wild guess."
The suspicion begins.

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