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  • Dedicated to Piggy Bunny

I was born a blonde. And for that I must die. Blondes in our world are considered demons, for as long as anyone can remember. There are stories of times when blondes were a valued part of society, but those stories are believed to be fiction.

So, whenever a blonde was born, they were put to death immediately. And if anyone growing up showed any sight of blonde hair, they would be murdered within the next few hours by their village or their family. It doesn’t matter if you once had black hair, as soon as a blonde hair grew, you were killed within moments. No matter what type of blonde you were, from strawberry blonde to dirty blonde, you would die.

             This continued forever.

But then came along me. My mother couldn’t bear to kill me so she hid my hair from the world with hats, bonnets, anything that would keep people from discovering that I had blonde hair.

I am the only blonde alive.

You can see why this is a secret.

A Torment of a Secret (Larkin) *On Major Pause*Where stories live. Discover now