Lin's Pov: Rest.

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I have never felt so exhausted. I can't even squint as the sun gleans into my eyes. We finally made it, I think to myself. This new body feels weird. The white thick fur that covers my body makes me feel heavy. I had no other choice. I couldn't just risk killing humanity. They may be gone but I was human once too. It's hard to remember life before I got kidnapped. In the lab, I had no time to think but now.....I could only recall my name. It doesn't matter now. I lost my humanity. Besides.......I couldn't have stayed with the strange doctor. I and Puro promised each other to see the outside world together. Puro......I was so lucky to have him. Without him, I wouldn't even be here. Despite him being a latex beast.... he didn't attack me. Puro chose to be kind against his instincts. He had opened up to me about them.....he even cried. At the time I wanted to hug him and comfort him. I didn't want to risk being transferred though so I stayed put. Puro is so just be with me. This was his dream. To escape the I'm a part of that dream. My thoughts are broken from the feeling of Puro's paw grasping mine. It' warm. Puro stares down at me with a worried expression shown by his cloudy white pupils.

He asks gently "Human? Are you ok? You must be lean on me."

My voice won't come out. Puro doesn't wait for my answer and gently wraps one of his arms around my shoulders. I can't help but slowly lean into him. He's just so warm and comforting. I feel his fluffy fur against my back as I rest my head on his shoulder. Puro guides the two of us to a nearby rock slowly. Once in front of it he gently places me down against it. The soil beneath me feels soft as I become drowsy. My vision is getting blurry and my brain fogs. I feel as if I'm being wrapped in a large fluffy blanket as I finally succumb to the inevitability of sleep.

Puro's voice seems far away as he whispers to me "Human...thank you. It feels so nice to be near a reliable friend like you. Sleep must be exhausted. Don't worry human....Puro has you."

One in the same! (Puro x Lin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ