"Vatsu, why the anger of every frustrated human is dancing on the tip of your nose which is as red as a monkey's? What happened?" Sarana kaka asks me in my way.

I huff and speak. "My horse isn't in my control kaka, its just being too lazy to even listen to me and just staring at other mares in the stable ."

He chuckles and speaks "I will say Gada to look after it. He's a horse specialist"

Yes, yes! It's a matter to be concerned about. "Yes, kaka! It's a matter to be looked after."

I settle myself on the couch after my last session of my politics and every stuff. I am free from this stuff after I attained twenty years. I can feel the scorching fire burning my skin. He never appreciated me! Though, he cared for me when I was burning with fever in my childhood. He even addressed me as 'amma' in words as the token of his care towards me but wait why am I even comparing? My sight falls on the silver box in my room.

I decide to open the priyadarshani. It's brought by pitr̥vya Kr̥ṣṇa from Indraprastha after he returned from the rajasuya yagyna. It's said that the people witness their most beloved ones in this mirror. Ah--I am being curious! I take a deep breath and unlatch the upper part. I tighten my eyes however I unbolt them and glance at the picture playing in front of me. It's of Abhimanyu. My Saubhadrey. Yep, let him praise others but he does loves only me! When pitā shall arrange the swayamvār, I shall garland him but does he loves me?

"I tied a knot of my angavastram three times the moment when he tied the holy thread around your neck, Vatsu." It's the whisper of pitr̥vya Kr̥ṣṇa.

I immediately shut the box and turn to him. "Pitr̥vya? Pranipat. You would have called me. Why to strain?"

He oscillates his head and flaps his eyelashes while pressing his lips " Then, how would I knew that my daughter is in love?" He narrows his sight at me with a narrow-pointing smile.

"Baba, nothing like that. I don't love Saubhadrey."

He gasps at me." Hey Nārāyaṇa, you love our Abhi ? I could just steal a faint glimpse of that man while you were seeing."

Ah--! What did you just ranted Vatsu? You yourself dug a ditch? Wait, then why did he say that toy marriage thingy?

"Then that knot?--" I stuttered.

He bursts out laughing. "Shiva, Shiva!"

"Baba, any father gets protective and you are laughing?"

He's totally different.

"Elder brother is there for that stuff. Nishantha, Ulmukha, Pradyumna, Saambh, Bhanu, these many are there for that. You should at least have one supporter. And especially Nishantha."

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