Ch2: Their Gæ Awakening

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Latus had noticed that weird kid staring at him the entire day. What was his name again? Longus? Yes, yes, it is Longus- he thought.

'He do be looking fiiiiiiiiiiine...' OH NO! What was Latus thinking?! He found a boy hot. A FOOKING BOY! THAT'S GÆ!

No matter how hard he tried to ignore his attraction to his classmate, he always ended up fantasizing about him. A picture of a black-haired Longus always popped up in his mind- his twinkling emerald eyes, adorable dimples on both sides of his cheeks, his sturdy chest, muscular hands; EVERYTHING!

Before Latus even realized, he had jizzed in his pants. Luckily, he was in his bedroom, so no one could find out.

When he reached school the next day, he found that Longus boy staring at him again. Latus felt his cheeks burn at the sight of the delicious boy. Longus was staring at Latus with such intense eyes, Latus melted to goo. It better not be cum! Longus soon realized that he had been caught staring, so he blushed and turned away.

Before Longus knew it, lunch time had already started. He had been so engrossed in his thought about latus that he hadn't even realised it. Longus went to the cafeteria all the while Kyle's mindless chatter was buzzing in the background.

Suddenly his eyes fell upon a familiar silhouette. It was latus. Ahh he looked so cute just standing there and existing. Longus continued to stare and suddenly their eyes met once again.

Longus flushed and looked away. Wanting to take a peek again he glanced up and to his surprise latus was coming towards him. Longus could not control his beating heart. He thought of multiple scenarios and how to greet him in just those few seconds. But his thinking got interrupted by latus falling on him and spilling the juice he was holding.

Despite the unfavorable conditions Longus felt extremely lucky. Latus perked up instantly, a string of apologies escaping his luscious lips. His small hands all over his chest in an attempt to undo his actions. Longus said in his calm voice.

"it's alright. Are you okay though? That fall was pretty dangerous even though I did cushion your fall thankfully"

Latus's eyes widened and his ears became extremely red. Longus couldn't help but find this endearing.

"thank you very much Longus. And I'm sorry about your shirt."

"how do you know my name?"

"eh you are pretty popular yknow."

" I guess so. Anyways what's your name?"

"my name is latus. And how can I make up for all of this?"

"ah don't worry about this. oh wait actually you can make up for this. How about you meet me after school?"

Latus could not believe his ears. The Longus had asked him to meet up after school. Latus quickly nodded, mumbled a thank you and escaped the cafeteria. Longus stared at his fragile back with longing wishing his interaction hadn't ended so soon. On the side he saw a group of boys looking at latus. A strange feeling had crept in his heart.

'Why would Longus, of all people, want to see me after school? It isn't like we're friends. Eh, he probably wants to copy off my homework.' Latus' thoughts were interrupted when a short and rounded man entered the classroom. Latus instantly felt himself relax at the sight of Mr. Patriarchson and his receding hairline.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Patriarchson!" Latus greeted politely. The 50-year old teacher smiled warmly at him before glaring at the girl in the back of the seat who had yelled 'gæeeeeee'.

"Ashleigh, please sit down. It's not ladylike to stand and yell." He spoke gently, but firmly.

"But Mr. Patriarchsooooonnnn....." Ashleigh, who was still standing from her seat, whined. "I'm not a lady! I don't like pink, dresses, or romcoms. Ew! I wear sweatpants, and I play video games 24/7. AND! I like pizzas, not salads, unlike these girlie hoes! I'm not like other girls. I'm one of the boys, right, Longus and Kyle?"

Longus gave her an awkward wave, while Kyle simply showed her the finger. Ashleigh responded by showing him the finger too, as a miserable attempt to look cool.

After finally having Ashleigh sit down, Mr. Patriarchson began with his lesson.

Latus Rectum.

The class hooted loudly at Latus' name.

"Gæ boy wants to go anal, huh?"Ashleigh giggled, while leaning on Kyle's shoulder.

Kyle immediately pushed her off, brushing his shoulder with his hands in order to get rid of the cooties Ashleigh had given him. Longus blushed furiously on imagining Latus going full-on anal.

Mr. Patriarchson cleared his throat and began with his lesson.

"Latus rectum of a parabola is a line segment perpendicular to the axis of the parabola, through the focus and whose end points lie on the parabola."

'Whoa.' thought Longus. He had finally realized that he was gæ. But he knew he was still human. Like the parabola.

The parabola was his human nature, while the Latus Rectum distinguished between straights and gæ. He was gæ but he was human, like everyone else. He and the straights belonged to the same line of the human race; the parabola of the human race.

The Latus Rectum didn't divide gæs from the human, but rather divided them from straights. The parabola was never brocken. It continued, forever and ever.

He stared at Latus, the guy behind his gæ awakening. He was instantly met by Latus' eyes, but this time, neither of them looked away. It was as if they both were sharing the same thoughts.

The rest of the classes went by in a daze. Longus could not focus on anything except The revelation he had during meth class. Finally it was time to meet latus.

As soon as kyle and Ashleigh reached his bench Longus shot up from his seat muttered a bye and fled from the classroom. He waited at the back gate where latus usually exits school from. Longus waited and waited. Half an hour passed and yet latus had not arrived.

Remaining optimistic Longus went inside in search for latus. on the way he finally saw latus. His heart filled with joy and he was about to call his name but he saw some other boys with him.

He looked closer and realised they were not his friends but in fact they were bullying him. Calling him names and gae and pushing him down. Longus again realised the truth of this town and how people different from them are treated. Without hesitation Longus went toward them to stop them.

"what's going on here?"

"hey. My man Longus. Whatcha doing bro?" replied one of the boys

"I asked what's going on here?" Said Longus coldly.

"nothing man. We were just teaching this stupid gae man a lesson for ruining your shirt. Ugh even his screams are gae what a girl."

Longus was taken aback by the entitlement Of these boys.

"have you ever even heard a girl scream before? Ah with that ugly face ofc you haven't."

Not wanting to hear another word Longus took latus's hand and got out of this school. Longus kept on walking seething with anger . Latus could not keep up with longus' strides and pulled at his hand.

Longus snapped out of his daze and immediately asked latus if he was okay. Latus didn't respond and kept on looking at the ground. Longus got worried but suddenly he heard a beautiful laugh coming from latus. Confused Longus just looked as latus almost fell to the ground with laughter.

"have you ever even heard a girl scream? Not with that ugly face you haven't. Bahahahahaha genius. The look on his face his little pride shattering into pieces . Man that's the most satisfied I have ever been"

Seeing latus imitate him and his cute gestures Longus could not help but join in with the laughter. Longus could not remember the last time he genuinely laughed.

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