Ch1: Welcome

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In collaboration with mamamoobs

Welcome to Town Straightvilla. Here, everyone believes in heteronormativity. Everyone supports cishet men. There's no room for womben, gæs, lesbeans, transfat folks, and non-veganary people. It is the Straightvillains' culture to assert gender roles.

In the outskirts of Town Straightvilla, resides our lovely family, the Straight4Lyfs. The Straight4Lyf family lives in a bungalow. Mr. Richard Straight4Lyf was married to Ms. Nicole Straightvaganza, now called Mrs. Gertrude Straight4Lyf, because PATRIARCHY, BITCHES! Now, the married couple has been living in Straightvilla for thirty years with their 26-year old unmarried(ugh shameful) daughter, Annabella Straight4Lyf, and their 17 year old son, the star of our story, Latus Straight4Lyf.

Latus always knew that he was different. Where all his peers were interested in WWE and wargames, he was more interested in playing house and painting. Although he did enjoy watching WWE Raw....the show got him extremely excited for some unknown reason. But he thought that's just why all the boys liked watching it so he never thought much about it.Still his father wasn't very fond of the activities he was interested in. He didn't think they were 'manly' enough whatever that is.

Latus studied in Straightvilla Patriarchal School, one of the most prestigious schools in the town of Straightvilla. There, they were taught about meninism, toxic masculinity, fatphobia, lgbtq+ phobia, you know, the good stuff. Everyone wanted their kids to study there, but the fees were too costly, obviously. Quality education being affordable was equivalent to Straightvillains being gæ.

Latus' friends teased him for being interested in 'girly' and gæ stuff.

"I'm not gæ!" He would say, but he knew really well that they were just kidding. After all, gæs were just a piece of fiction created for the enjoyment of perverts. If any person dared to come out as gæ, or lesbean, or transfat, non-veganary, they would be sent to the Straightvilla Mental Asylum. They were an abomination to society, an abnormality in the human race.

Although it was all fun and games for Latus to pretend to be feminine(hah, gæeeeee), Richard was quite unhappy by his girly behaviour.

"What are you, gæ?!" He would yell at him, while an afraid Latus would bow down his head, expecting a punch in the next minutes. Richard often beat up his kids and wife. He was a rude and harsh man, as he should be. Because we all know, Patriarchy has no room for gæ, for being a soft and kind male was gæ.

Longus was the son of a powerful business man, Mr dick. Contrary to the name mr Dick did not infact like dicks. He was into vageygey. The man was as straight as a ruler. As was his dad and his granddad. Longus came from a lineage of straight men and it was expected of him to also be a straight man and inherit their business. And Longus was doing a very good job. He was tall, handsome and knew martial arts. He always held the first rank in school and everyone loved him. And he loved his life.

One fateful day, while returning home from his guitar lessons he saw a delicate figure sitting on a bench infront of a pond and Something in him changed. Longus completely froze. He could only describe the scenery infront of him as beautiful. Honey coloured silky hair lightly dancing with the wind, long delicate fingers smeared with ink and beautiful hazel coloured eyes. Wait eyes? Before Longus realised it his eyes met with the person. Startled, Longus ran away and reached his house. He had no idea how long he stared at him or what his expression was, all he could remember were those beautiful eyes. His heart was beating faster than usual, it must have been because he came running so fast...or so he thought.

The next day in school everything was back to normal. He was studying and having fun with his friends. During recess while he was going to his class with his friends his eyes fell upon the same honey coloured hair. It was him. The boy infront of the pond. Longus was mesmerised and stopped dead in his tracks.

"helloooo earth to Longus. Whatcha staring at?" his best friend Kyle asked. A startled Longus broke from his trance just to realise he had been staring again. "nothing" replied Longus "lets go we don't wanna be late".

Longus was surprised to see the boy in his school. How could he have never notice the boy before. While entering the class a smile broke out on his face as he thought about how interesting this semester was going to be.

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