Why are you here?

Start from the beginning

 " Well, I came here to do some snowboarding. But then I got clumsy, as usual, and  I accidentally fell into these woods and hurt my paw. "

" Oh, sorry about that. "

" It's ok. "

I then kept staring at her. She was so beautiful. " Wow! "

She looks at me confused " What? "

" You are just so beautiful. "

She then started to blush. " You're just saying that "

" Nope I'm serious. Your fur and eyes are nothing like I've seen. "

 " Oh thanks. " she said, as her blushing increased.

" Hey, is it ok if I stay with you and Jake for a while, until my paw heals? " Marshall then asks.

" Sure, I'm sure Jake will be okay with it. "

" Thanks Eve. "

We start walking back to Jake's cabin. And Everest helps me walk because of my injured paw. When we arrive at Jake's cabin, he was a bit surprised to see Everest with me.

" Uh.......hey Marshall dude. What ya doing here? " Jake asks.

" Oh, Marshall came here to do some snowboarding, but he fell into the woods and hurt his paw. So, I was wondering if he could stay with us for a while, until his paw is better. " Everest then replied.

" Sure thing. Marshall can stay with us. And don't worry I'll call Ryder to let him know. "

" Thanks Jake. " me and Everest both said.

We went inside and Jake built a fire for me to keep me warm. While Jake was on the phone with Ryder, Everest was keeping me comfortable.

" Thanks for your help, Eve. " I spoke.

" You're welcome " she replied.

" Hey, maybe we should hang out sometime. "

" Why sometime when we can do it tonight, and since it'll be dark, I know this secret place where no one knows about but me. "

" Yeah, but maybe you should let me rest first because with my injured paw, I don't think I should move around that much. "

" I guess you're right, how about we do it tomorrow night " She said, as she starts walking to her room " She said, as she starts walking to her room

" Sure, it's a date. " I yell after her, as she walks away.

Everest stopped for moment, and then kept walking.

Everest's POV

" So, how about we do it tomorrow night " I said, as I start walking to my room

" Sure, it's a date " He yells after me, as I walk away.

I then stopped for a moment.  Did Marshall just ask me out on a date?

I kept walking.  Maybe it'll be fun.

The next night......

 " Psssst.......Marshall, are you here? " I say, as see a dog figure in the woods.

" Yeah. " he whispered. " So where are we going? "

" You'll see "

As we sneak into the woods we arrive at the place to find that some wood ling creatures sleeping in what I thought was a secret place no one else knew about.

" Um......so, where is this place? " he then questions.

" It's right here, but it looks like some animals must have found it. "

" Oh, well I know another great place. It's a beautiful jungle, there's a waterfall and some shade everywhere. "

" Really? " I ask excited

" Yeah, but it's pretty far from here. So if we want to go there then we would have to go super early. "

" Oh ......maybe we could go. I'm sure when your paw is all better and if we're not that busy on missions. "

" Really? That would be so cool. " 

 Yeah, but for now I think we should go back before Jake notices we're gone. "

" Ok, I'll tell you when everything is according to what I said. "

We then walked side by side back to Jake's cabin. 

" Goodnight. " I say softly.

" Goodnight. " He replied, and then we went to bed.

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