"Thank you so much." I smiled at the man.

"No problem Ma'm."

We arrived in a flower field and a jet began to fly over head and landed in front of us. The steps came down and Happy walked out.

"HAPPY!" I cried out, I was so over joyed.

"Kids! Are you guys okay?" He asked.

"Happy is that really you?" Peter asked, clutching onto me tighter.

"Is it me? Yeah, of course it's me.

"Stop! Tell me something only you would know. About us!" Peter yelled.

"Uh...I know...only I would know. Remember when I drove you guys for your first date...I saw what happened in the backseat, I knew what was gonna happen if I wasn't in the car."

"Okay! Okay!" I yelled. "It's you! "It's you!" I finished yelling.

We stumbled over to him and he wrapped us in a double hug. "It's so good to see you." Peter said.

"I've missed you." I muttered.

"Kids! You'll have to tell me what the hell is going on here." Happy said.

We walked onto the plane and took seats. Happy took out a first aid kit. "Who needs help?"

"My side." I mumbled.

"What do you mean your side?" Peter asked, his face full of concern.

"I didn't want to worry you." I sighed.

"Baby." He groaned.


"Don't apologize Wanda. I'll fix you right up."
I nodded my head and walked over to Happy.

I took off my jacket and un zipped my suit. I knew I was just sitting in a bra, but I didn't care.

I shifted my body and he began stitching up the wound, it was just a minor cut, but it hurt like hell since it was just below my ribs.

I held onto Peter's hand as Happy fixed me up. After he was done, he patted my shoulder. "You did great."

"Thank you Happy." I stood up, zipping up my suit again and Peter took my place, he had a cut that was by his shoulder blade.

We continued to hold hands and he squeezed it hard, I could tell he was in pain. "Okay, hold still." Happy mumbled.

"Ouch." Peter groaned.

"I thought you had super strength." Happy said, as he continued to stitch him up.

"It still hurts...Happy, come on." He groaned. Squeezing my hand tightly.

"All right, relax. Just a few more. There we go."

"Oh my gosh!" He exclaimed.


"Don't tell me to relax, Happy! How can I relax when I messed up so bad?" Peter began crying out.

I stood up and grabbed onto his shoulders. "It's okay, deep breaths."

"No!" His voice boomed. I jolted back at his reaction, I know he wouldn't do anything to me, it was his tone that scared me more. "I trusted Beck. Right? I thought he was my friend, so I gave him the only thing Mr. Stark left behind for me, and now he's gonna kill my friends and half of Europe. So please do not tell me to relax." He finished ranting, than sat down, putting his head in his hand. I sat beside him and rubbed his back, gently.

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