Chapter 2: Brendan's Birthday

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The next thing he knows, he is being waken up to the incessant electronic beeping on his Sony alarm clock. He hits the "Snooze" button, slides the mode selector switch to the "OFF" position, and quietly climbs down the ladder of the shared bunk bed and walks into the living room to start his daily routine of getting ready to go to school. He eats, uses the bathroom, brushed his teeth and hair, gets dressed, grabs his Chromebook and places it into his backpack, grabs his phone, Bluetooth headphones, and climbs into his dad's Chrysler minivan, which has been sitting in the driveway with the defroster running as they waited for the engine to warm up a bit. His dad then drives him down to the bus stop, where they wait for his school bus to arrive. The bus arrives, and he quickly runs up into the bus and sits in his favorite seat, the front seat across from the driver. Then, he turns on and pairs his headphones to his phone, opens the factory music player on his phone, and clicks the play button to his guilty pleasure- the Frozen soundtrack album. This is honestly his favorite part of the day, as he can listen to his favorite music while he watches the bus driver drive the 45 minute route down the backroads behind his trailer park to the middle school. He then arrives, turns off his music and climbs off the bus, where he follows the long crowd of students into the school as the gossip with their friends and talk about their new boyfriends/girlfriends. He goes to class, where he sits quietly and daydreams as the teacher drones on about history facts he couldn't care any less for, as always. During his daydreaming state, which currently is about him being an adult with his own car and home so he wouldn't have to deal with everything going on with his life, he then realizes something. Today is his birthday-he is turning 13. But unlike anyone else, he has never had a true birthday party like everyone else has. He has always wanted this, despite not liking any of the "boy" birthday themes. The depression starts to hit him hard, but he is luckily able to get through the rest of the day without any major issues. He gets home, to where he is greeted with the standard chocolate birthday cake and grandparents visiting "party" he has had for years. He enjoys their company, eats some pizza and cake, opens his gifts of cash and Visa gift cards, thanks everyone for them, then goes on with his usual evening routine after everyone leaves. Everything goes as usual for a few months, except for Brendan's depression getting worse. But before he knows it, it is mid June and he is enjoying his well needed summer break from school. But one day, something strange happens.

The Not-So-Typical Teenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن