Truth or dare- Daichi, Iwaizumi

Start from the beginning

"No, it's my fault. Uh. Did I spill anything?
"No, I'm good thanks, uh, I'm Daichi." You smiled, shakingsmiled, shaking his hand as he held it out.

"Y/n." He sat down again before looking at his friends. "You with friends too?" You grabbed your drink looking at him.

"Yeah, uh, old volleyball team. From High School. You?" You pointed to your friends hiding as Daichi followed you.

"Same, friends since high school. You still play Volleyball?"

"Uh, not as much. It was fun in High School, you know? We went to nationalsnationals."

"You did? Wow. That's awesome."

"Yeah. I guess. Some of the guys still play, you know."

"Yeah, I get that. I'm... doing the most suckiest things compared to my friends. And I would ratherI would rather stay at home, but I was dragged out here."

"Eh, same. Sugawara can be pretty persuasive."

"Yo. I heard my name. Y/n?"

"Hey Koshi. How are you?"

"I'm good? Are you? Are you sick or something?" You faked laugh laughed at him.

"Very funny."

"Sorry, just... not used to seeing you out of your house." You rolled your eyes as he laughed.

"You two... know each other?"

"Suga's dating my sister."

"Oh. Cool." He patted your head before looking at his friends.

"Kageyama, Hinata!" You both laughed when Sugawara ran over to the boys who were arguing.

"Are they always like that?"

"Sadly... since middle school." You laughed again taking a sip of your drink. "You have a beautiful laugh." You stopped laughing, smiling with a little blush.

"Thank you. You... are really handsome." He laughed with you, before you two relaxed into silence.

"Can I... may I ask for your number?"

"Sure." You pulled out your phone and handed it to him."

You sat beside Iwaizumi who sat beside Oikawa, you guys were playing truth or dare doing stupid shit, you guys made Oikawa sing -into the unkown- outside getting him yelled at, telling him to shut up. "See I'm not the only one who thanks you are a terrible singer, Shittykawa." You laughed into Iwaizumi as he did the same.

"Iwa-Chan!" You chuckled lightly letting your laughter die.

"Okay, Okay. Your turn Oikawa." He looked at you and smirked.


"Oh no." The group laughed with you.

"Truth or Dare."

"Um. Dare?"

"Ou, daredevil. I dare you to say something... nice about Iwaizumi." You looked at him and smiled, he looked down at you giving you a soft one.

"How many, just one thing?"

"Uh, how about five things."

"Five? Okay." You turned to him, eyeing him carefully. "Uh, you have beautiful eyes... a nice smile... um, I love that you don't tease me too much and that you are a good friend. Was that five?"

"Missing one." Iwaizumi looked at you carefully.

"Uh, I admire your relationship with Oikawa. I mean he annoys the hell out of you, but... you stayed. I admire that." Oikawa looked at Iwaizumi then you.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." You turned back to the group.
"Truth or dare... Hanamaki."

"Uh, since everyone is doing Dare. Dare." You smiled evilly. "Uh, too late to chose truth?"

"Yes, I dare you to make Matsukawa a drink out of anything you want in the kitchen." Matsukawa looked at his friend watching him get up.

"What did I do to you?"

"Me? Moi? Hm, last week... that comment you made." Your friend gulped.

"Too late to apologize?"

"Yes." Hanamaki came back and handed his friend the drink.

"Uh, thanks." He took a sip before gagging. "That is disgusting."

"Good. Takahiro, your turn."

"Okay, oikawa." Everyone looked at the boy. "Truth or Dare."


"I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room." Oikawa looked at you for a second, everyone knew of your crush on the boy, Iwaizumi watched as you fiddled with your hand. You froze as he kissed the girl next to him, your smile fell. Some cheered while others looked at you with sorrow. Iwaizumi looked down at you again, watching as you looked down at your hands fiddling with them again. He sighed while taking out his phone texting the guy on the other side of Oikawa. He leaned over whispering what Iwaizumi told him to the boy.

"Oya." Oikawa looked at you for a second, before looking at his friend. "Iwa-Chan."

"What do you want Trashykawa?" You looked up a little.

"I'm a little curious... Truth or dare?"


"Hm, I dare you to kiss who you think is the prettiest girl in the room. I'm sure we're all curious." Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, your eyes widened as Iwaizumi pinched your chin, making you look up as he kissed you softly. You froze looking over Oikawa. He was shocked but then a smirk formed. You sighed into the kiss, closing your eyes slowly, kissing back. Iwaizumi was going to pull away until you kissed back. You felt your heart beating fast, and felt your body shake. Iwaizumi pulled away, letting out a shaky breath. You sighed trying to catch your breath, before it hit you. You just kissed Iwaizumi. And you liked it. You looked into his eyes and broke into a smile. Iwaizumi did too before looking at his friend.


"Very." Iwaizumi knew the smile Oikawa gave him was fake, he wasn't happy. Not one bit. And that's what Iwaizumi wanted. You pulled out your phone messaging the boy next to you.

-I... why did you kiss me?

-what do you mean? To me, you are the prettiest girl. I just did what the dare said, and kissed you.

You looked at him before smiling softly.

-I-Do you like me?

-If I asked you on a date, would you say yes? I know I'm not Shittykawa but... I could make you happier than he could.

-Don't compare yourself to him. I like you the way you are. And yes, it's a yes to the date. If you are asking ....

-I was.


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