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          "So," Dick gritted his teeth, as Phoebe could see the look of hatred and anger in her friends eyes. "You thought you could even the score by killing my family. That make you feel better? Did your fucking plan work?" 

         Phoebe could see just how hurt Dick was because of this god awful man. She knew she wouldn't completely understand. Dick had lost his parents and some of the most important people in his life that he had idolized as a child. 

         Taking off the mask that mid half of the Melting Man's face, Phoebe witnessed one of the ugliest things she had ever seen. Half of the man's face looked like melted rubber. Slightly smiling, the Melting Man spoke up. "Beyond my wildest dreams." 

         Clay looked between the Melting Man and Dick and Phoebe, horrified as his life flashed before his eyes. "What the fuck are we gonna do?" Phoebe questioned through clenched teeth to Dick, not trying to make anything very obvious. 

        "I'm trying to figure that out," Dick replied, slightly elbowing the girl to shut up. 

        Speaking up, the Melting Man continued. "When the acid strikes your skin, it doesn't burn. It's much worse. It's like insects eating away at your flesh, burrowing inside of you." Clay tried to move and squirm, but got nowhere. "I can still feel them crawling all over me."

        "I didn't want this to happen to you, Nick." 

        "I'm not Nick anymore," He clenched his teeth together. "That's what the acid did for me. It changed me." Slowly turning the handle, a splash of acid dropped right onto Clay's shoulder, burning and digging into his skin. Clay let out a groan, crying in agony. "You revealed your true self on that bridge. Just like the acid peeled away the surface to reveal my true self underneath."

        "He's an innocent man, let him go." Phoebe demanded, speaking up. 

        "No!" The Melting Man yelled out, refusing Phoebe's demand. 

        "She gave you an out, dumb-ass. You should've taken it." A voice let out from above the Melting Man, making his head look up at the figure. Phoebe groaned as she saw Jason in his Robin costume leaning over a railing. 

        Quickly, Dick took out his Robin star, sending it towards the rope that Clay was being held by, cutting it in half and dropping the man. 

        Jason jumped over the railing and onto the Melting Man, pushing him off of the platform and onto the floor. Quickly, Phoebe turned to Dick. "Go help Clay, me and Jason got him." 

        Dick shook his head, running to go help his friend. Without enough reaction time, Phoebe turned around to see the Melting Man sitting on the floor with a gun held out to Jason, shooting out a bullet which was filled with acid. Sending Jason flying back wards, Phoebe jumped, kicking the gun out of the mans hand before picking him up and slamming him onto the ground. Desprately trying to get up, the Melting Man was caught off guard by Phoebe kicking the man in the face with the sole of her shoe, knocking him unconscious. 

        Phoebe could hear Jason groan as the acid fumes could be seen coming out of his armor. Reaching out her hand, she pulled Jason up to his feet. "Nice work, dude deserved what he got." 

        Trotting over to the two, Dick started to smother Jason, worried. "Are you okay? The acid-" 

        "Zylon fibers, man."

𝐁𝐑𝐔𝐓𝐀𝐋 ~𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐊 𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن