01 ; first day

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Ok mini note, this is NOT how DID is in real life, nor is it "more than one friend". This is just for fictional purposes.

Sunrises POV
A new part time job?
Count me in!

It's just a part time job Sunny. You got this. Nothing serious! You're just going to watch over some kids! You're good enough at acting happy, you can do this! What else were you doing with your life anyways? That's right, nothing. Now go watch some mini demons for money!
I nervously told myself, fiddling with my new uniform. It was.. obnoxious to say the least. I was wearing a jester outfit, with horrendously big shoes. I'm gonna get a lot of fucking blisters breaking this shit in..WAIT- you can't swear infront of kids Sunny. No swearing. Ok. Got it. Be child friendly. Now act like a jester, maybe if you play the part the kids will take you seriously!

I finally reached the front doors to the pizzarea, and stepped in. It was a lot bigger than expected, to put it lightly. It looked like something out of a kids dream! I looked around in awe, until someone suddenly came up to me. Ah! That must be Freddy! I thought, I could tell because of his looks. He is pretty famous, after all. Just before he started talking, I spoke first. "You're Fred, right?" I mumbled anxiously.

"Yup! That's me! You must be Sun, correct?" He replied, and I just nodded in agreement. His looks weren't as obnoxious as mine, but they were up there on the list. His dark skin was covered in neon paint and makeup. He looked straight out of a 90's rock music video! "Great! Welcome to your first day! The daycare doesn't open for another hour, so you can take this time to look around the place and take it in! You have to get used to it after all. Just make sure to get to the daycare by nine!" He added with a wink, I laughed nervously but nodded once again. Whenever i'm nervous, it feels like all the words are sucked out of me and I can't speak. I guess Freddy realized this, because he gave me a small smile and walked away without a response from me.

I continued to look around in awe, before making my way to the daycare. You might be wondering 'sunny, he said you can look around why aren't you?' well, that's because I wanted to look around the daycare. That's where i'll be working all day, after all. I want to get to know all the hiding spots to find kids in at hide 'n' seek, and overall just get to know the layout a little bit.


After I looked around what felt like long enough, I pulled out my phone to check the time. It was exactly 9am! As if on que, about 16 kids and parents started to pile in through the front door. I quickly rushed over to them, and helped the parents sign the kids in. I smiled slightly while I watched them all run around the play-area, entering by sliding down the rainbow slide. It made me realize how much I missed being a kid.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to.. join them? I mean, it's part of my job of being the jester! I'm being paid to watch them, and they never said I couldn't play with them.. so why not! I told myself, before running over to the fake castle. I quickly climbed up the employees only ladder, and carefully made my way onto the edge. Was this allowed? Definitely not. Safe? Nope. Smart? Far from it. But was it fun? Most definitely!

I finally got to the top, and yelled down to all the kids to catch their attention. "Herey Herey everyone graze your eyes upon Jester Sunny!" I laughed slightly due to how stupid this was, but I have to admit, it was kinda fun. Once almost all the kids had their eyes on me, I started to fake catch my balance, you know when you are trying to not fall? Yea, I was doing that.. but faking! It looked funny, and i'm a jester after all! It made some kids gasp, and others look nervous that I might fall. I thought for a minute, before clapping my hands together and taking a diving stance, making the bells on my wrist jingle. I quickly dived into the ball pit underneath me, and I could hear the kids screaming and cheering me on. It was.. amazing!

The Fool Jingles his bells Miserably [ discontinued ]Where stories live. Discover now