Uzi x M H Reader

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Notes: this happens post pilot, I don't know what all will happen but Uzi and N manage to get to the spaceship. Also reader is a teenager no illegal shit in my book, idc if she's a robot she's a child

Being a part of the next generstion of humans born on a spaceship is wild. From birth you were raised to know how to work on technology and the history of the human race. Your job in particular, was to document any and all abnormalities in the coding of machines. Kinda sucked, having to scroll throigh pages upon pages of codes to see if there is a misplaced "if [does this] then [do that]" but it's relatively easy.

Heck, you even got to see a copy of the Dissasembly Drone code, was really neat. You got to interact with the creatures a little, they were all super gentle with you whenever you came around to hang out with them. Probably because they saw you as a tiny human that needed to be protected. Being carried around by a 5 foot tall murder robot was pretty normal for you.

Naturally you were sad when they got deployed, emotional support robots were gone so you had to focus on work again. The whole Worker Drone uprising didn't bother you at all, they're just doing their thing and existing after the planet exploded.

Thus, when an alarm went off saying that the ship was boarded by a rogue Dissasembly Drone and a Worker Drone, you didn't care much. You just stopped sifting through code and began to play on your phone. Death was inevitable in your mind, being that the two would probably make the ship explode. Might as well spend your last moments playing Bejewled or something.

But, your last moments never came. Not for an hour.

Confused, you made your way out of the room and began to walk around. The alarms had long since stopped whining and only the flashing red lights still remained alight. Made the already kinda creepy ship straight up ominous.

In the distance you heard gunshots and laughter, screaming more prevalent until it was silenced by a barrage of gunshots. Well fuck the adults are being murdered.

You were more worried about the trajectory of the ship than how so many people were being killed. On the off chance you survived, you really couldn't do much if the ship crash landed. Priorities man.

"Is that all of them? You are the one who used to live here."
"Yup, that's everyone. Except the kids of course heheh."

Eavesdropping, you slowly got closer to the voices. Well you're probably going to die from the ship being crashed into a planet, might as well be nosey while you still can.

"Wait, there are kids on here?!?!"
"Uh yea. Kinda thought you knew. Humans have been trying to repopulate or something like that."

Condoms are rare, so lots of people got pregnant. Hooray.

"We just killed their parents- oh my god.."
"Yup. So do you want to kill them or not? I'm not going to, it was already hard enough to kill some of my old friends."

You got close enough to see the robots, peeking around a corner. You recognized N, he was a friendly Dissasembly Drone and liked to play with you and other kids while he was here. The Worker Drone was pretty cool looking, purple hair and goth clothes.

"W-We might as well kill the kids as well. They'll want us dead even more after this. Wait is that one over there?"

You shot back and shivered in fear. Even though you've long accepted death, it's still terrifying. Your hands started shaking as footsteps got louder.

"Oh, hey Y/N! Long time no see!"
You can't remember when you curled up on the floor, but you had. With a shaky breath you looked up up at the adorable male, scooting back in fear.
"You know this one?"
"Yeah, he was one of my friends when I was just built. Except he was a lot smaller, still I can recognize him anywhere."
N said with a smile. The female looking Worker Drone just nodded and looked down at you, studying you.

"Hey uh, sorry kid. About killing your parents and stuff."
You looked up in confusion and glanced over to N, who was waving happily. He then got closer and picked you up
"Uzi can we please keep this one? Y/N is super nice and he'd make a good ally-"
N whined while squeezing you tightly. You struggled to breath but remained mostly still out of fear. The Worker Drone rolled her eyes in annoyance before responding
"Fiiine, this one is conventionally attractive I guess."
She said while holstering her railgun. With a light blush you tapped N's hand to get him to let go of you. He quickly set you down and you took a moment to catch your breath.

"Eheh! We should get your stuff now that you're going to join us. C'mon, I still remember where your pod was!"
N said before bounding away, clearly very happy to have you join the group. You looked at Uzi and gave a shrug before finally saying something
"My pod is in the other direction-"
Uzi let out a snort and chuckle at your quiet statement and lightly punched your shoulder
"Oh sweet robo Jesus- That was somehow really funny."
You snickered at the Worker Drone's response and watched as N stopped in the distance. He quickly turned around and began to run in the other direction
"I meant to go this way-"
You playfully rolled your eyes and followed the over excited robot. Uzi also followed, keeping in pace with you.

"You're not half bad for a human. Better than our creators I suppose."
"And you're not half bad for a robot that killed my parents. Granted I was never really attached, seperated at birth for optimal work ethic or something like that."

Maybe rebelling with a Murder Drone and Worker Drone won't be so bad.

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