N x WD Reader

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Notes: wholesome boi hours yeaa

Being a pillow for Murder Drones is actually quite nice.

Ok the context is kinda weird and outlandish, but you suppose that this group of idiots have problems that involve not enjoying physical contact with each other but desperately needing it. They want cuddles, but not with each other. Specifically N, he said that he tried to hug J and V a few times but they curb stomped him for it.

So when he found you half dead in the open, he immediately got attached and brought you back to the corpse tower thing. You, being unable to.move your legs, were fucking terrified. Especially when one of the female Dissasembly Drones tried to lunge at you. The other stopped the vicious looking one to ask your kidnapper what was going on, and he literally said "Well you guys don't hug me, so I brought a drone to hug."

Long story short, everyone takes turns cuddling with you and you have accepted that. N is the only one that actively hugs you when he's awake which is nice. Also they eventually fixed your legs, somehow. J probably rebooted you, or V maybe replaced your legs. All you know is that a few days after you arrived at the corpse house, you could walk again. You didn't want to question it incase they did did something really unethical to fix you up.

Either way, you had a cord welded against your back that kept you in the base so you couldn't escape. Not like you would, you were probably safest living with the Dissasembly Drones anyways.

"Y/N!! I missed you!"
Followed by you being tackled into the ground by a figure much larger than you.
"Yes I missed you too N."
You'd say like clockwork. It was a phrase repeated almost everyday whenever the robot returned.

Today was different however. There was no yell of appreciation, no hug forced on you, and no response of reassurance. It was awfully depressing, even V and J seemed somewhat mortified when N didn't run to hug you. The male just crawled up the wall of corpses and hung by his tail and went into sleeping mode.

You were a little hurt by the display and V made her way over to you
"The hell is wrong with him?"
The murderous robot asked in a questioning yet rude tone
"Maybe he didn't properly sleep yesterday. It was your turn yo cuddle with Y/N after all."
J replied as she flew up to add another Worker Drone corpse to the wall. You'd think you'd never get used to seeingt he sight of freshly killed members of your own species, but living with walls made of them really help in getting you adjusted to the sight

"M-Maybe that's it. Surely.."
You mumbled sadly as you looked up at the sleeping robot. J flew down and gave you a quick hug before going back into the ship to do whatever she does in there. Her hugs aren't as good as N's, and you really missed his to be honest.

The next day something similar happened, instead with N flying up quickly before you registered that the group returned. Your core felt like it had been stabbed with needles, and the frmales noticed that immediately. V walked over and sat down next to you and looked up N, who was once again asleep
"Ok this is getting kinda strange. As much as I hate the guy, it's kinda pissing me off how he's making you sad."
The murderous woman said as she wrapped her tail and arms around you protectively. Her hugs were a little, suffocating, to say the least.

"Erm, yea, but you're squeezing the life out of me bud-"
She loosened her grip at that and resumed glaring up at N. You just looked down sadly and started wondering if you did something wrong. Replaying the events of previous days in your head, you came up with nothing and just leaned against V sadly.

For a week it went like this, and you were visibly distraught by it. Even J took pity on you and helped V with keeping you company. She'd half heartedly hug you for awhile and often held your hand. V took it upon herself to smother you with affection. She almost killed you with her spine breaking hugs, but that didn't matter. You were in a state of pure sasness in the absence of N.

The two female Dissasembly Drones decided to get answers out N one way or another. They figured since you were the one sufferingt he msot from his odd behavior, they'd make him answer your questions first.

The next morning you were drawing in the snow when the group came back. Just before N could get away, V grabbed his tail and yanked him back

"Oww! What was that for?"
He asked with a point, expression quickly turning to fear when he looked back to see the ladies glaring at him
"You are ignoring Y/N. Explain before I find a reason to KILL you."
J demanded as she dragged him over to your confused figure. N struggled to get away but froze when V extended her knife-like hands. J situated the male infront of you and stepped on his tail so he wouldn't get away

Deciding to take advantsge of the opportunity, you asked the questions that plagued your inner networks for days on end
"N, why are you avoiding me? D-Did I do something wrong?"
You asked as you shrunk a little. N visibly broke at the look you gave him and felt sucgh an immense wave of guilt and struggled to find the words
"I-I can change if you'd like, just say the word and I'll do jt. J-Just please stop hating me.."
You mumbled in sadness while looking away. N suddenly flung himself at you and wrapped his wings around your smaller frame

"I am so, so sorry Y/N, I thought I was being selfish and clingy and felt so bad for keeping you to myself- I just thought you'd be happier if I stopped interacting with you.."
He quickly said while picking you up. You quietly cried in his arms and just felt so safe in his arms. Until J walked over and slapped the back of N's head

"N you moron, if you didn't immediately go into sleep mode you'd notice how sad Y/N was!"
She scolded in an aggressive manner while N shrunk a little at her words. V simply laughed at that and patted you on head
"Yeahh.. Again, really sorry. I just felt all bad and stuff for, you know, kidnapping you."
The male added with a nervous laugh. You just gigfled in response and snuggled up closer to his body. He smiled at that and flew up to hang on the rafters by his tail, holding you close to his body.

You both dearly missed the upside cuddles, as freaky as they are.

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