"That is of no importance to you. I believe you now owe me 20 000 kruge," she smiled sweetly.

The man grunted and tossed a bag at her. Nesta made sure that it was real money and quickly counted it. She would feel bad if Kaz lost his money, because of her.

As the Captain started to walk away Nesta caught his attention again and stopped him from going back onto the ship.

"I would also like to request a bed space on your trip to the Southern Colonies."

The redhead laughed loudly and turned around to face the girl, looking down at her. Although Nesta was quite tall she didn't even reach the shoulder of this Captain.

"You expect to get a spot on my ship without earning it or giving me something in return? You're a naive little girl."

Nesta smirked and rocked on her heels, looking a bit crazy in the low light.

"Oh believe me Captain, I'm not naive. And you will be getting something in return."

The Captain clearly didn't believe a word she had just said.

"What would you give me then," he inquired.

"My silence. I won't let your wife know about your affair with your first mate."

The large man was shocked with the information Nesta held.

"I'm assuming that's a fair deal?"

When she still got no response, she walked over to the man, shook his hand and smiled.

"I'll see you at dawn then, Captain!"

And so she left the docks with both a heavy and a light feeling in her heart.

Over the years in the city, she had made so many memories. She had grown fond of the disgusting city. She didn't want to leave, but she knew leaving would be easier on her heart.

When she finally got to the Slat, most occupants had already gone to sleep or were still drinking and gambling at the Crow Club.

She made her way upstairs to Kaz's office, only to find it empty. She just left the bag of money and a note explaining she had left, on his desk.

Then she moved on to her own room. She quickly packed the little clothes she had and other important objects to her. Nesta would have loved nothing more than to bring her cuckoo clocks with her, but they were large and there was no way that she would fit all of them.

And she wanted to annoy Kaz even when she was gone. Although she couldn't be sure that he would keep them on the wall after her departure.

She sat down on her bed, looking around the room that had been her home for the last few years. She knew it would be painful to leave them as well.

As the sun had completely set, Nesta made her way downstairs. She packed a small bag full of food as well. She had only gotten a sleeping spot on the ship. No food or drink had been included in their negotiations. Well, rather her blackmail.

With one last look around the Slat she walked out of the door and towards the Fifth Harbour, this time with complete darkness surrounding her.

As she stepped onto the docks and was about to step onto the Kaelish Captain's ship, she heard a familiar sound.

The sound of footsteps with a cane.


And so, when she turned around, she saw the person she had hoped not to see. The person who made leaving both the right choice and also made it very difficult.

In front of her stood the ever menacing-looking Kaz Brekker.


I feel like I'm moving a bit too fast with their feelings. Maybe not. I don't know.

Fun fact! Katie McGrath actually has two different coloured eyes in real life. Blue and green.

I really liked writing this chapter. Don't know why, but I did. So I hope you will now enjoy reading it!

And please vote and comment! It means a lot to me if I get to hear your opinions and feelings about this book!

Kaz: 16
Nesta: 17

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