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Tayo had stayed in his room for the rest of the day. After watching a movie with Tobi tittled 'The Nun", the two boys had been served lunch by one of the maids in the house.

It had been about 7pm when Tayo's uncle arrived home from work.

After freshening up, he ordered Tobi to get Tayo so that they could have dinner together.

Tayo who was speaking with his mother had just gotten off the phone when Tobi walked in and told him his presence was needed.

The duo had walked down the staircase together and when they arrived at the dinning room, both took seats opposite each other which was directly adjacent Tayo's uncle.

"Tayo, say the prayers." His uncle had said much to his surprise.

He said a quick prayer just like the one he usually said back home and with a small chorus of 'Amen' they began eating silently.


"Today is Friday, Elijah would drive you both out tomorrow morning. I'll give you some money so you can get some necessary things. If I'm right, school would be resuming on Monday?" Tayo's uncle directed his question at Tobi who only managed a small nod.

They were all done with their meal and were currently seated in the sitting room where his uncle proceeded to tell him about his enrollment into prestigious college. According to his uncle, the moment his mother had called and told him her plight, he had paid for the necessary things to get Tayo settled.

"Your cousin brother would show you to the bursar on Monday." He addressed Tayo, his gaze somewhat impassive.

"Tobi, you can go, I would like to address Tayo alone." With a small nod of understanding, Tobi stood up from the three seater where he had been seated beside Tayo and walked towards the staircase.

As his footsteps faded, Tayo could not help the anxiety that invaded his being when the sitting room became quiet, the only sound being that of the dishwasher in the kitchen that was being used by one of the maids.

"Tayo." His uncle called.

The younger boy looked up from his laps and into the eyes of his maternal uncle.

"I know it's not easy, loosing someone so close to you, if all your mother told me was anything to go by, you and your brother kehinde had been quite close". He paused, as if guaging the reaction of the smaller boy and when he noticed that all was clear, he continued.

"Look, I'm going to be straight forward with you, I lost my parents only just recently and I know first hand that it had hurt. I can't quite compare my situation to yours though, unlike my parents who basically had a celebration of their life, kehinde was just starting his. You are very young and kehinde was your twin. I know you might feel it's the end of the world, but it's not. For the sake of your mother Tayo, she has, and is still going through a lot. Try to put this incident behind you, I'm not saying you should forget your brother, but instead, try to relieve only the good times you'd had with him. Can you do that?"

The question was left hanging and Tayo who had been quiet all the while had only managed a small nod as he tried to compose himself.

He was feeling lightheaded, his throat clogging up due to the emotions that had him wanting to bang his fist on every surface and cry his lungs out.

"That is good. Go and get Tobi for me." Tayo looked away from the smile his uncle had graced him with, though his heart was in turmoil, he couldn't help but admit that the man looked better when he wore a smile than the signature murderous look he always seemed to be sporting.

Walking up the stairs, he knocked on the door that was directly opposite his and Tobi pulled in open. He had headphones on and when he saw Tayo, his brows raised in a questioning manner before he removed the maroon and black device from his ears.

"Your dad called for you." Tayo mumbled and they both made their way back down the stairs to the sitting room.

A rather short but fat dark skinned woman dressed in a dark blue uniform stood at the far side of the sitting room, eyes down and hands behind her back. She briefly glanced up to stare at their approaching forms before taking her eyes back down.

Clearing his throat, the older man in the room began in a Stern voice.

"Tobi, I'll be taking the first available flight to London tomorrow morning. I have business to attend to there and I would be away for a maximum of one week. I know you Tobi, Liliana would be in charge of the house while I'm gone, listen to her. I don't want to hear that you drove any car out of this house, wherever you are going to, have Elijah drive you there. And lastly, get your cousin settled in as much as possible, I'll be transferring some money to your account, get him whatever necessities you think he needs. The term is new so you'll probably need some things for your self also. And lastly, you both are now in SS3, you'll be writing your west African Examination council exams soon, your JAMB is also around the corner, you are no longer kids but rather, men in the making, if you want to be successful in life, try to do away  with all unnecessary things and focus on your studies. Do you understand?!"

The two boys gave a chorus of "yes sir", before they were dismissed.


That night, as Toyo laid on his bed, he couldn't sleep. All that was running through his mind was that he was going to be starting a new school in a new place.

He didn't know how to feel about that. Though he couldn't deny the fact that the thought was thrilling, a small part of his mind kept reminding him of the scenarios that led to his leaving lokoja.

He had murdered his own brother.

Tayo could basically hear the pounding of his heart in the quiet atmosphere that was his new neighbourhood.

He briefly glanced at the digital wall clock that was placed just above the television.

The time read 8:30pm. Going down memory lane, he thought back to the good old days when his father and Kehinde had been alive, at this particular time on Friday's, they would be seated outside their two bedroom flat on a large mat.

Their mother would probably be finishing up with supper, while their father would tell them stories as he and his brother laid on the mat staring at the full moon which served to be the only source of light to brighten up their small compound as NEPA light was very hard to come by at this particular hour.

Tayo did not realize he had been crying till the cold tear, rolled down the side of his face and into his ears.

He heaved and turned over, burying his face into the white fluffy pillows in hopes of muffling his cries.

The boy doubted he was going to be forgetting what happened to his brother any time soon and that thought manifested as twice that night, he dreamt of the sinking canoe but only this time, it wasn't just his brother on it.

This time, his father had also reached out and screamed for him to 'help'.



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