Space Trip

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(I don't ship them but it looks cute)

Narrator POV

The spaceship slowly lands in front of the crew, they have to shield their eyes from the snow flying into their faces. When it was over, they watch as the door falls down to let them in. And inside, there's a few screens around, many buttons and a penalty of gadgets to help them on the trip. "I can't believe this is happening." You whispered underneath your breath then a down on one of chairs.  

"Hmm, maybe there's a way to drive this thing- N, get your hands off of the buttons." Uzi said. N immediately put his hands up then the big screen in front of them turns on and a person in same coat  show up. "Oh, no. Not this guy again." V groaned. "Um, hey there...*chuckled nervously* Nice to see you guys again." He said. "Don't think that we're all calm down from last time. Just take us back to earth." You said. 

"Okay then. But I'll just warn you guys this: there's gonna be a boost when we take off." He said. Before anyone could say anything, the ship immediately take off with everyone held on to something due to the energy of boosters that they implanted. It took them about an half an hour for it to be over then they gain consciousness during the takeoff. "Our takeoff wasn't like this before we left." N groaned as he slowly gets up.  

"Okay *panting* okay, I think it's over." You panted. "I think I'm gonna be sick." "Too late, Doggo's already nauseous." Uzi said as she pointed at the robotic dog laying down on the floor. "I am gonna kill all those b***hes when we reach to earth." V growled. You stood up but you accidentally press a button that says "Active zero-g", making everyone float unexpectedly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, what the hell's going on?! Why are we're floating?" V exclaimed.

Your POV

"You've never heard of zero gravity?" I asked. The drones look at each other then questioned "What's that?" I rolled my eyes then press one of the buttons that opens up to reveal the solar system. I look at the my friends and they have speechless expressions. I tried to hold in my laughter but failed. "What's with looks?" "I never know that there's no gravity in this black distance space." V said. "On planets there is but in space, you're light as a feature." I said. 

"Okay but what happens if we go there?" V questioned as she was going to press the button that's gonna open the shafts. "Wait a minute... DON'T PRESS THAT BUTTON!" I shouted but it was too late. She pressed the button and the doors immediately opens, sucking all of the air out. I hold onto the chairs while the others screaming their heads out. "WHY WOULD YOU OPEN THE DOORS, YOU MANIC?!" Uzi shouted.

 "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED?!" V shouted back. "WE'RE IN SPACE, GODDAMNIT!"  I shouted then look around then I realized something. "Wait...WHERE'S N AND DOGGO?!" Then suddenly, the doors quickly close. I fell to the floor, falling face first and sighing relief. "*pants* Finally, it's over." Uzi panted in the her sentence. I look back and see N letting go of the button while holding Doggo in arms.

"Is everyone okay?" N asked. "We're okay. Shaken but okay." V said as she slowly gets up. Then the screen turns on again, showing the same person with a worried expression. "Guys, what happened?! Our radar pick up something wrong and...are you guys okay?" He questioned. "Doesn't it look like we're okay? We almost got suck into the void of darkness!" I exclaimed. "I could've die!" "Wait, you die in space?" N asked. "In space, no oxygen. Our heads could blow up." I explained. 

Uzi's POV

" guys are almost there. You might wanna hang on to something." He said before the screen turn off. "Um, what does he mean by that?" I questioned then I felt the ship shaken before it heads down towards Earth. The whole ship starts shaking uncontrollably and the room started to feel a little more hotter than normal. I noticed that the others are having the same reaction. Then a my toolbox fly out of my bag and hits Y/n directly in the face, knocking them out and fall to the back of the ship. 

"IM GONNA KILL ALL THOSE MOTHERF**KERS IF WE SURVIVED FROM THIS S**T" V screamed. "NOT IF I KILL ONE FIRST!" I screamed back at her. I look up and see a red button blinking "Active parachutes" I climb throughout the controls until I finally press the button. And the ship stops shaking and it felt going slower. I sighed in relief that it's finally over. "Is everyone okay?" I asked. 

"Well, I don't know. We've been tossed and turned throughout the ride, N and Doggo looks like they're gonna puke, Y/n's knocked out by your toolbox and the area feels very heated. Anymore questions, smarta*s?" V said sarcastically. I was about to say something but the ship crash down "onto something hard, making us fell and hit the floor. When it over, I watched as N weakly raises his hand then slap the button to reveal sunlight that made me blind for a bit.

It was the first time that I seen a clear and blue sky and there's trees and plants everywhere. I tried to stand up but I immediately tumbled to the ground, falling face first. "I think my body's paralyzed." I groaned. "At least, you don't get stabbed on the arm with your own wings." V groaned. "Speaking of which, where's N, Y/n and Doggo?" "I'm over here. And the two are throwing up behind the ship." Y/n groaned due to the hit on the head.  

Narrator POV

You look around and take a deep breath then let all out. "Finally, fresh air." You said then you see N and Doggo limping a bit. "Are you guys okay?" You asked. "We're good but Doggo not so much." N said. Doggo whimpers and fell to the side, you kneeled down and petted him on stomach. "Poor buddy, you'll feel better soon." Soon, everyone heard something in the distance. "Um, does anybody hear that-" Your sentence was cut off when three cars drive out of nowhere and start circling everyone.

Your cyborg arm transform into a razor blade, N and V turn into their murder forms, Uzi takes out her railgun and Doggo transform into his protective form. The cars stopped then comes out a few guards and three people with white coats and looks at you. "Wait, wait, wait! We're not gonna hurt you guys! Put down your weapons please!" One of them exclaimed. "And how do we know if we can trust you guys?" Uzi questioned.

"Okay, I'm Dr. Marmalade, one of the head scientists at our facility. And these are my colleagues, Dr. Helena and Alex." He said. "And it's an honor to meet you all, especially you, Y/n L/n." 

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