Part 5

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*We continue on the very next day of the training and Issei can be seen sitting in half lotus position as Y/N has hind hand on top of his head preparing a spell while kiba and Koneko continue their physical training*

Issei:Sensei explain to me what are we doing exactly????

Y/N:You will see Issei I cannot reveal anything all I can tell be prepared as this training takes strong heart to take on this training and I am rushing this a bit but be prepared for alot of pain. *You start chanting* "Absconditus Domus... Dos Domus... Dos Domus" (I am using John constantine series chants also he is my favourite mage in DC comics)

*as you finished the chant Issei was sent to his subconsiousness to see illusions of his family and friends or people he cares about getting constantly murdered over and over and as soon he had enough of it he screamed outside of the illusion spell and his gauntlet evolved to 2nd liberation*

*All of the peerage members stop their training and rush to Issei as they see him screaming in agony and tears flowing*

*You stop the spell and Issei notices he is back and as if nothing happened*

Issei:What happened??? *He says suprised and tears still flowing*

Y/N:I put you under a really strong illusion spell which gave you visions of your friends and family or people you care about die over and over again until you awaken 2nd liberation so you are awake now Draig?

*The gem on the gauntlet of Issei's arm starts glowing and you all hear a voice*

Draig:Yes didn't think you would help me awaken with my current host as I remember my previous host did.

Y/N:Well it was the host that did it not you so I don't hold the grudge against you but that rotten bastart shall not be remembered as I made sure he will not be even rememembered in the books of history.

Draig:I still remember that Anger of yours you even made me fear you and I thought you were a dragon but it turned out you are not as I don't sense any dragon bloodline in you also greetings young devils.

Rias:Y/N san you helped Issei awaken his sacred gear?

Y/N:Not fully this is only 2nd liberation meaning it only awakens the conciousness of Draig and increases the amount of boosts he can handle so for now he can't activate his balance breaker.

Rias:I see Issei  are you alright? *She grabs him by the cheeks with worry in her voice*

Issei: I don't know president I felt like I was in a nightmare seeing all the people I care about die over and over again and it felt so real.

Y/N:Yeah about that my magic teacher was Rias's mother and it turned out I had a talent for Ilussion magic and so I am able to create such illusions but I don't like to use them as you saw Issei that can be traumatizing that's why I was second guessing myself to use it or not.

Rias:Y/N san I know you are trying to help us but I don't wish to harm my servants so that I can be free from my marriage with Riser.

Y/N:Rias you perfectly know yourself that we need all the strenght we can get to win this and I can't help you as I am an outsider and can only act as a teacher and help you strenghen your pieces.Also Draig where are the treasures you owe Tiamat ? Because I almost died trying to calm her down when you got  yourself killed with Albion *You reveal a scar that goes from half of your  left arm up to your left  chest area*.

Draig: If my memory serves me right I left them in my treasury but it's hidden so only I can access it.

Y/N:I see ok after this is over Issei I will need to borrow you for the time being as I need to return the treasures Draig owes to another dragon and I promised I will help her find them.

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