The crows explained it was a secret until your birthday. Now you were intrigued.

''Could you put this there? I don't have anywhere to put it at home, I'm still sleeping on the couch.'' You asked softly. The crow nodded taking the skull and flying off. There was still a little bit of that chalky stuff still on your hands. You'd have to wash them when you get home.

You sat back down by the tree and started reading again. Most crows had already left while some stayed. Most of them had baby crows to take care of. You could hear the baby chicks chirp from the trees calling for their parents.

Eventually you had to go too. You felt a small strain in your back so you went to stretch. Once you stretched you picked up your book and headed back home.

You got back just in time as Phil was calling you to come set the table for dinner.

After dinner you got the couch ready to sleep on. Your back was already a little sore, if it had feelings it would dispise you right now.

That night you couldn't sleep. Your back was seriously sore. Deciding sleep wasn't gonna happen you went to the bathroom.

The next Day Phil woke up to a silent house. When he went out into the sitting room you weren't there sleeping on the couch. He didn't think much of it and went to make himself a cup of tea to start the day. He was gonna need it.

After a while Techno came downstairs. He took a cup of tea for himself and sat down beside Phil.

Techno looked at the couch. Usually when you woke up you'd get ride of all the blankets and pillows covering the couch before you did anything else. So to see that simple job not done disturbed him a little bit.

The voices were also demanding blood, just a little more than usual.

''Techno, you alright?'' Phil asked looking concerned for Techno.

''The voices are being loud again.'' He said quietly.

''Oh, I'll try to keep Tommy away from you.'' Phil said chuckling slightly.

Just as Phil said that they heard Tommy scream from upstairs.
Tommy ran down panic was written all over his face.


''Phil! I need help!'' He yelled grabbing Phil and pulling on his hand.

''Tommy I'm having tea right now can it-''

''Y/n's puking blood in the bathroom upstairs!''
Phil's eyes widened and followed Tommy upstairs Techno followed behind.

There inside the bathroom was you, curled up in the corner of the bathroom. Your hands were all bloody and your face was wet with tears.
Phil panicked and rushed over to you.

''Y/n! Y/n, look at me! Y/n, what happened? Are you ok?'' Phil asked panick written in his voice.

''It.. hurts..'' You said quietly. Your voice seemed tired and raspy. You had circles under  your eyes showing how tired you were.

Phil carefully picked you up when,
Phil immediately stopped what he was doing as you cried out in pain. You were trying to breath but for some reason it felt like you couldn't. Phil picked you up again and face Techno.

''Techno, get the doctor.'' Techno waisted no time rushing downstairs and grabbing his coat and leaving.

When Techno came back with the Doctor, they went up to where you were.
Right now you were in your old room, where Tommy slept.
You were in pain. Then again, you'd say 'in pain' would be an understatement. Techno and Tommy waited downstairs with Phil who was paceing back and forth.

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