I Christmas Eve [TI KB]

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As flowable and troublesome as a wave...

Iida's POV:

      I woke up at four AM.... It was irritably hard not too. I confessed... And Bakugo... Cried because I did...? It was all a blur... But my thoughts drifted away like they were washed up beneath a wave. I was holding him in my arms. I rested my chin on his shoulder. I could hear him breathing softly. "I love you...." I whispered, not expecting an answer since he was sleeping. He was so warm.... I pulled him closer to me.

My confession could've gone better.... But I can understand why he broke out into tears. The anxiety of not knowing how to react.....My love...

Do I even have the right to call you that...?

I wonder what the class would be doing today... For Christmas Eve....

Bakugo slowly woke up about an hour later... "Tenya..." He said tiredly. "Mhm...?" I responded.... He turned his head slightly. "Why're your fucking hands so cold..?" he muttered... I stayed silent... I don't know why my hands were cold...? "I.. Have no idea why... Would you like me to stop holding you then..?" I asked. "It was just a question... I never said I didn't..." He responded, turning over in my arms and looking at me...

I glanced away slightly... I couldn't look at him straight anymore. "Why didn't you tell me when you knew...?" He asked.
"I wasn't going to... I didn't know how to... And I wasn't thinking when I actually did say it last night..." I replied. "Look at me... Tenya..." he said.... I slowly looked at him... He was looking back... He was smiling slightly... He brought his hand up, stroking my cheek. "I still don't think this is fucking real..." He said...

Who wouldn't think it was fake..? The class representative and the delinquent.......

"Does this mean we're together..?" He asked, tracing his finger across my facial features... What on earth was he doing.. "If you would to then yes..." I whisper, with a slight laugh... "Then we're together..." He whispered back, slipping his hand away. "I'm so fucking happy that I get to see you smile...." He said, before burying his face in my chest. I messed with his hair while he did so. Bakugo.... Fuck... You're so life altering... He stopped and looked at me again.. "No more studying. Not until school starts back up again.. I need the damn attention." He stated. I just nodded....

I pecked his forehead before pulling away and getting up. "What plans did the class have for today..?" I asked, opening my drawer and getting out some clothes. "Mm... I don't know, Momo is operating the whole thing... Probably Christmas Shopping?" He said, sitting up and stretching is arms. He let out a relieved sigh. "I haven't slept that good I'm days.." He stated. "Me too..." I replied, slipping a dark blue long sleeve on and then replacing my pj pants with jeans. I glanced at Bakugo... Who quickly looked away.

"You don't have to pretend not to look at me now...?" I said.... Of course I noticed before in the locker rooms. He is indeed a sneaky pervert. "I wasn't looking-" He said with a slight groan, getting up. "I'll go to my dorm and change, see you downstairs.." He said, grabbing his stuff and then leaving.. I waved him off.. And once that door was closed I let out my one sigh..

How do couples react to each other....

Bakugo's POV:

Oh my fucking god.... I quickly changed, slipping my jacket on then I left my dorm and ran downstairs. I felt so fucking giddy thcdrjcdtibsdtoknhsaegcqaathnk AHHHHH I WAS DATING IIDA NO FUCKING WAY. Calm down dumbass... Calm down...

I take a deep breath and entered the common area... Iida wasn't down yet.

Ugggh, "Hey Momo." I said, walking up to her, she was on the green sofa. "Oh, hey Bakugo" She said with a smile. "What's the plan for today?" I asked, sitting down beside tokoyami. "Hmmm not much... Just gonna go shopping for secret Santa." She said, pointing the the bowl on the coffee table. "And that has everyone's names. We're gonna wait for everyone to get down here though..." She states... I nodded... "Right.." I then glanced to Tokoyami and dark shadow.. They were reading a book.

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