He is dead

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I got into the front passenger seat of the car. Alex stayed back with Lewis. I guided him there and was taken straight back. Now all I wanted was to stay by Lewis' side and never ever leave. We sat next to him as the ambulance started driving to Bristol hospital. Then a loud beeping sound went off. Lewis had stopped breathing. His heart had stopped.The paramedic attached the wires to his chest and shocked him. His body jolted violently. He still wasn't breathing. They did it again "charging.... Shocking" nothing. Just a long monotonous beep. I was getting sick of the noise. We arrived at the hospital. The doctors decided to shock him once more before they took him in. Again. His body jolts again. Nothing... Is he dead? The doctor pulled his bed out of the ambulance, while a nurse carried on with chest compressions. He was put in a special room and equipment put around him. I could hear the doctors discussing whether or not to try again. They couldn't give up on Lewis. I went up to the doctor, begging her to try again. A nurse pulled me back and asked me to wait outside. I knew he wasn't going to make it.

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