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I was taken away. Locked inside a dark room. I could only faintly hear Lewis and Alex talking to the men. Asking "Where have you taken her ". Screaming "Bring her back" Their sobbing. Their pain. Lewis started shouting for me, yelling my name. I shouted back as loud as I could. He couldn't hear me.
A man came to my door. The light shining on his face like a child telling a horror story. The fear was the same. "Scream" he said "Scream as loud as you can". "Why" I replied hesitantly. "You want your friends to leave, to be okay, to not get hurt?" I nodded "THEN SCREAM" he yelled. Why does he want me to scream? I just want my Lewis to be alright, Alex out of harms way. I had to do it. The door opened, the man looked straight into my eyes. I screamed. More than I've ever screamed before. The whole time I wanted to scream like this, to cry but I knew if I started, I couldn't stop. Alex shouted "Hannah no Hannah" Lewis said nothing. All I could hear was his sobs. How he cried when his nan died.

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