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(Age 12)( yugao pov)

I took a B rank mission watching the nine tails jinjuriki he stayed in his room today but he kept look at a calendar I got curious so I move places to see tomorrows his birthday or as villagers like to call it fox fest but when I moved back he saw me.

"Who's there."Naruto ask frightened

"I'm your guard Neko."I said casually

"I have a half human half cat as my body guard cool." He made me laugh I relished I haven't laughed in a long time .

"No I'm not it's my code name you see I'm an anbu."I said as a matter of fact.

"What's that."he asked as he yawned

"How about I tell you tomorrow."I told him

I picked him up and took him to his room to put him on his bed but when I went to let go he held my arm with a hard grip not letting me go. Then all the sudden he pulled me into his bed.

I made a shadow clone to go and tell the hokage about what happened today.

As he was sleeping he was shivering i mean I don't blame him he has a little thin blanket.It wasnt the first time he did pulled me on his bed heck he did as a baby he just had such a strong grip so every time he shivers I pull him closer to hear him up with my body warmth but he was still shivering so I just hug him as close to my body as possible. I didn't mind so I just went to sleep hugging him close.

(Naruto pov)(Age 4)

I woke up and relizes neko-née is still asleep so I just got up and went to the bathroom

(Yugao pov)

I woke up to realize naruto wasn't here so I got up and made us some food and I went out to the streets of konoha to get some things I went to a grocery store and got some food a thicker blanket and a birthday present for naruto.

I made my way back to his apartment to find he isn't home. I dropped my things and took of looking for his chakra.

I found him about to get punched in the face but I blocked the punch with a punch to his face then with a kick.  He was knocked out I made a clone to bring that man to the hokages office.

I picked up naruto and teleported us to his apartment.

"Naruto since it's your birthday I got you a birthday present."I told him

He looked like he had stars in his eyes and as I gave him his present he ripped open a box to find a necklace.

He looked like he had stars in his eyes and as I gave him his present he ripped open a box to find a necklace

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He hugged me while I put it on his neck.

"Alright today why don't I teach you about ninja stuff."I tell him

He got up faster than ever so I teleported him to a far away training ground.

"Since you already unlocked your chakra let's work on controlling it." I climbed a tree and grabbed some leaves

"How."Naruto wandered

"Like this put it on your finger add chakra not to much not to little ok."I told him as I showed him

He tried but he didn't put enough chakra.

"Add more chakra." I said and it stayed on his finger

I kept putting more leaves and surprisingly he was a natural with chakra heck he already has more chakra then me.

He was at half his chakra so I said

"That's good now do 5 push ups 5 sit-ups and come jog with me once you done"I told him


We finished up our run but he was to tired to walk so I gave him a piggy back ride

We were walking when I see  itachi coming over with his brother on his back

"Hey itachi you going home." I asked

"Yes captain."he said

Alright but when I was by his ears.

"If you need help getting out the root tell me." I told him then I see his Mangekyō Sharingan

"He wants me to kill my clan in a week." He said

"I'll deal with it but for now stay low and by the hokages I'm going to kill him today."I said as the jutsu ended.

I walked back home put naruto to bed I grabbed my sword and my kunais I quickly left and went towards the root base I snuck in i slint the Garuda necks.

As I made it to Danzo he had his root behind him

"Root kill her." He said I dodged all of them and took sown 50 of them then I did

"WATER STYLE WATER DRAGON JUTSU." I yelled killing all his anbu and damaged Danzo as he went retreat I sliced his head off felling chakra in his eye i took off his eye patch and saw an Mangekyō Sharingan I took it out his eye socket and left before the third knows what I did.

I looked for Itachi's chakra to find him in his house . So first I cleaned the blood of my clothes and knocked on his door no anbu clothes or mask on.

A lady answered who I assumed to be his mom.

"Hi I'm Yugao Uzuki and I have something for Itachi."I said to her

As itachi came I gave him the box as he invites me in we go to his room he opens the box and the look of udder shock on his face his eyes start bleeding and his Mangekyō Sharingan appears to light.

"Why did he want you to kill the clan ." I asked

"My clan is going to do a coup d'é·tat."he said

"Can't you tell your dad that the reason y'all were ever suspicious was because of Danzo." I tell him

"I'll come with you to tell him."I told but first I left the house then came back with my anbu clothes and said I need to talk to Fugaku-sama." I told her

As I walked in basically the hole family was there on one side of the room.

"Listen I know that y'all are doing a coup d'é·tat but the only reason you are doing it is because of Danzo making y'all suspicious after the kyuubi attack."I said making them node.

"I killed Danzo a little ago."I said shocking all hear.

"If you put a stop to your coup d'é·tat I won't kill you."I said

"We will not pull off the coup d'é·tat anymore." He said

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