Chapter 6: Charm

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It may have been because he looked and acted like Zen, but this person made you feel at ease, comfortable even. You were tense at first when you decided to hold him but a few minutes on the road later, you were relaxed. That's how you felt when you played the game. Zen and 707 made you feel calm and relaxed- but that's all it was: a game. A fictional story with fictional characters.

It wasn't until you entered a busy road. Good, more people. More people means more witnesses and more help, although you wouldn't need help because you were headed to the police station anyway.

He took some a few turns and stopped at about two stop lights until finally, the next turn was towards a big building with a blue sign and gold lettering that read "경찰서", or "Police Station in Korean.

He slowed down and stopped in a parking slot right in front of the building. Turning off his bike, he placed the kickstand down with his right leg and you let go of him after that. You took a step down and let your feet get used to the ground again before taking off the helmet. You handed it back to him after he had his turn to get off the bike. You hadn't noticed how tall this man was until he fully got off of the bike. From the long silver hair in a ponytail, the crimson eyes, and the voice, you were almost convinced you were speaking to a real life Zen. He placed his helmet into a black leather bag that was sitting just behind you. If that thing hadn't been there, you probably would have fallen off ages ago.

"Alright, jagi let's get you inside, hm?" He said with a smile while placing his palm to the small of your back. You reciprocated the smile and let him lead you inside the building.

He opened the doors and there was commotion and movement. Thank goodness, this is what you needed to see: normalcy.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" Said the man in the front desk, "How may I help you two?"

"Well," began the Zen look-alike, "this young lady here needs your help." He leaned down to your height level and whispered in your ear calmly. "Go ahead and tell this man what you need, they are all here to help. I'll be right here if anything." He got back up and gestured his hand to the man on the desk indicating for you to speak up, like a child with their parent who wanted to buy something with THEIR own money but were too shy to tell the cashier.

You cleared your throat nervously and began. "W-well, I don't exactly know how I got here?" You said it like a question. How were you even supposed to explain this?!

The man in the front desk then got up and gestured for you and the albino boy to follow him further inside the building. You passed an open wall to which there were plenty of rooms with glass doors and windows you assumed were offices. While you were walking, you were thinking about the best way to put your story together. You woke up in a strange apartment when someone phoned you claiming they brought you there? That's evidence enough for a kidnapping right? I mean also the fact that your phone number was not of this country so it would make it even more plausible that you were taken from your home town to a strange man's apartment.

"...agi... Jagi!"

You got snapped back into reality from someone moving your shoulder and a voice familiar to Zen's.

"Huh?" Was all you could say while the man in the front desk began to walk away, and your eyes followed him right then, leading to the Zen look-alike. You ended up being lead to an open glass room filled with a desk and two chairs on your side where the entrance was.

"Haha, you okay? You looked like you were thinking hard about something there! Sorry for taking you out of thought but this kind lady wants to help you, okay?" His hand lead to the woman standing right in front of you who looked rather annoyed with the situation. She had brown hair up in a bun and a blue police suit on and to top it off, she gave you a bored face which basically said "I don't got all day."

"Oh, geez I am so sorry!" You managed to say. "Okay, okay so uhm... My name is (Y/n) (L/n) and I'm 19 years old." You paused noticing that the lady was just giving you a cold stare and you tried to politely ask, "Aren't you going to write this down...?" To which the lady responded, "If it's an emergency, it gets written down, if not. I am only obligated to hear you out." Woah.. cold. The albino boy noticed it as well and silently hissed to himself at the comment the lady made. He then took it upon himself to step in.

"Ahem, excuse me ma'am, but miss (L/n) here thinks she's been kidnapped. She said she didn't know where she was or how she got there. If you can write these things down and make sure to get the kidnapper, I think it would very much put miss (L/n) at ease and therefore, you would have done your job right and saved more lives that that kidnapper can possibly take! What do you say, beautiful? Can you help us out?" He leaned over the desk and looked directly into the lady's eyes flashing that winning smile that always got the girls buzzing. To your surprise, she bought it: his charm.

The lady blushed and smiled at you. Her face COMPLETELY shifted after that and she looked polite, eager even, as if she genuinely wanted to help in the first place.

The tall man standing next to you leaned down to your level again and whispered to you reassuringly, "Go ahead, jagi, let her know what happened in full detail this time." You looked at him after that statement as he was standing straight up again. He gave you a quick wink and looked at the lady which already had several papers out on her desk and a pen ready for you to fill out.

You sighed in relief to yourself and gave a soft smile to the man standing next to you. Just as you were about to sit down on the open chair in front of the lady's desk, a bang was heard in the entrance of the building which startled the three of you, heck, it startled everyone in the office. It sounded like a door being forcibly opened and shut as if someone was coming in angry or quite possibly for an emergency. The bang followed with a loud grunt from someone clearly angry and annoyed.

"GET HER AWAY FROM ME. Why can't you just do your jobs and get that deranged woman, AWAY FROM ME?!" The voice said.

Some laughter could be heard around the building and it became contagious that the Zen look-alike managed to let out a little chuckle as well.

"Pfft, he's at it again."

Before you could say "Who?" you looked out of the opening and managed to see a pair of two police officers trying to push someone out. They were repeating, "Sir, you know we can't do that" and "Sir, there isn't enough evidence, how many times do we have to tell you?" It wasn't until the police officer on the right moved out of the way that you were finally able to see who they were trying to push back.

No way...

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