Darker Times-Chapter 8

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Something's you never got used to seeing. Something's made your heart pause, and your blood run cold each time you saw it.

The dark mark, a symbol of immortality and power among some...a sign of fear and death was one of those things. Tattooed against today's dark sky. It rose higher and higher, blazing in a haze of greenish smoke, etched against the black sky like a hellish constellation telling a story of fear.

"Severus, come on!"

Severus broke his stare off of the skull and snake.

Avery and Evan Rosier stood off in the shadows, their muggle victims-a married couple, and an older man who had snapped at Avery before being struck down, lay cold and dead beneath their feet.

He spelled his mask back onto his face. "Coming," he grunts.

The three young men hop over the muggles, Rosier cackling as he shoots a few spells into the suburbs, causing holes to open up in the ground.

While they moved away from the peaceful spot turned crime scene. Severus felt his arm tense, pain wracking the muscles. He wished to pull up his cloak and massage his arm till the pain faded. But he knew it was an impossible task. For the same task that marred the usually lovely night sky marred his arm, and it would never go away, neither would the pain.

"Lets go Snape!" Avery barks.

The three men hustle down the dark alleyway, Rosier and Avery grinning evilly.

"Hey whats that?" Rosier asks, halting the men.

Severus felt his heart freeze, at the end of the alleyway he could just make out a young pairing who had paused when Rosier had called out.

"I call it," Avery grins, he twirls his wand between "A-

Avada Kedavra!

Everything after those words...that curse was a blur, all Harry could see was darkness, and all he could hear was those two words repeated over and over again in his mind. All that he knew was that he was alive, and that there was a body.

He didn't remember it happening, but the next thing he remembered was sitting in the living room, Severus's arm tightly wrapped around Harry as he spoke in hushed tones with an Auror.

Draco was given a dreamless sleep potion that would force him down to bed. But Harry refused to sleep unless Severus was there, he could still see the body in his mind, and it terrified him

Clinging to Severus, Harry got to hear the full story from the Auror. He and Draco had gotten turned around, and passed through the protection spells that kept death eaters out. Death eaters, who'd discovered the location of the proclaimed Boy who Lived, had been anxiously awaiting this moment, managed to get inside, when the boys exited, some searched for the two young ones, and others went after the adults. All of this had resulted in one thing.

Narcissa was dead.

'Gone' Is what Severus had said, in a vain attempt to soften the blow, but Harry knew what gone meant, she had died. Died trying to get them to safety...It was his fault, Harry realized.

Dead...gone...left...it didn't matter, she was dead.

The auror left, after wishing condolences and a long stare at Harry's scar, once the flames of the fire had lost the wicked green effect from the floo, the room became gravely cold.

"Come on..." Severus says, unable to meet Harry's eyes. "We should get you cleaned up."

Harry couldn't remember ever looking so bad from any beating he'd received from the Dursleys. His top was ripped in several places, so you could see his chest, his pants were also ripped, and covered in dirt. His glasses were cracked on the left lens and he had a large cut above his eyebrow, he also had several bruises scattered around his body. There were bags under his eyes from no sleep, and his skin was pale and sweaty.

Severus took a shaky breath and dove right into healing Harry's injuries, it was better for him to focus on something he could deal with, rather than a woman he could no longer help. Severus spread some oily paste on Harry that caused the bruises to start to vanish, as he did this work, he still did not meet Harry's eyes.

"I'm sorry Sev..." Harry mumbles, his eyes filling with tears.

"You didn't do anything" Severus says firmly, "Episkey." He waves his wand over the cuts.

Harry trembles as the wand brushes over his face.

Severus set his wand down. "Harry," He sighs.

The now eight-year-old boy let out a loud wail. "We got lost..." He sobs, unable to contain himself any longer.

Swiftly Severus pulls Harry into his embrace, wrapping the boy up in his black robes.

"W-we got lost, and we couldn't make it home." He wails. "If we had stayed home...she would be okay now..."

His cries continue, despite Severus's consistent arguments, Severus isn't even sure Harrys hears a single argument of his. The boy continues to sob, his chest shaking frantically as he gulps for air.

Severus fell asleep next to Harry on the couch, guilt surrounding him. Harry thought it was his fault, that if he hadn't wandered Narcissa would still be alive. But it was his, Harry was an innocent kid, and he was the adult who allowed them to go off into the woods.

In Seveus's fitful sleep he dreamed of Harry sobbing over his body like Draco had for Narcissa. When he awoke in cold sweat, Harry huddled in a ball next to him. He thought about how it was only the unlucky draw of the bag, that he was still breathing, with Harry by his side, instead of Narcissa Malfoy. He didn't sleep again that night, the guilt weighed too heavily on him. He had been the one to bring Narcissa into this world, this better world. Where wizards wanted to be equal. He had caused her death by teaching her a new way to live. If he had left the Malfoys alone, left them to stew in their hatred, their family would still be whole. But there was more to it, the thought that kept him awake. He had taken Harry away from the Dursleys, because he believed it would be safer, and that Harry would be happy with him. But staring at Harry's saddened face he knew that wasn't the case today. I'm sorry Lily. He thought. I'm sorry Harry.


Harry Potter does not belong to me.

Christmas is soon, and then exams are next, so I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update, I promise I'll try and find time.

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