New Home-Chapter 3

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Harry stares up at the house that looked so different from his own, excitement was building in the boy as he took all this news in. Severus had moved the past year, wanting a home more secluded from wizards and muggle folk alike. So, the house was surrounded by leafy trees that would turn the house into a child's paradise when fall came. The house itself didn't give off a cold look, it was painted a greyish-white, with plenty of black accents, like the door, porch, roof and windows frame. Severus hustled the boy inside, anxious to avoid the unnerving silence.

"Want me to show you around?" Severus asks hesitantly, shutting the door..

Harry nods, just as hesitantly. "Yes please Mr. Snape."

Severus smiles softly. "You don't have to call me Mr. Snape, Harry." He says. "It's Severus."

"" Harry replied, slowly sounding out the name. "Okay Severus."

"Good." Severus says, shifting awkwardly.

He was grateful for the large house he'd gotten for fairly cheap, he'd thought all the rooms were unnecessary at the time, but was now thankful for the large house. It was a two-floor house that was filled with bookshelves. (Severus's guilty pleasure was coffee and a good book) The house had four bedrooms, (one was his, and one was now Harrys) The other two weren't being used as bedrooms, one had been turned into another library, and the other still stood empty. Along with a darkened living room, kitchen, two bathrooms, a dining room, along with a small potions lab (which sent Harry into awe) and an office. The last room on Severus's tour was Harrys, by the time they had gotten to it, it was fairly late. The room was plain, with semi-see through black curtains, a bed of dark wood, a navy quilt, and a wardrobe of the same dark wood, along with a matching empty bookshelf. Still, it had to be better than a cupboard. The look on Harry's face proved him right, the boy spread his arms out, as if in awe by the size. Severus smirks in satisfaction, he had chosen right by bringing Harry here, the look on his face was all the evidence he needed, Harry was in his own little heaven.

He excused himself to give Harry some privacy to change and headed into his potions room. He selected a glass bottle full of purple liquid, plastered with a paper label and his writing of the words Dreamless sleep. He knew that Harrys brain was being overloaded with new information and curiosity, and figured it was best to give him the potion to allow him a few hours of peace.

"Harry?" He calls, knocking softly on the door.

"Cu-come in." He heard the young boy mumble.

Opening the door, he saw the boy drawing his legs in, on the centre of his bed. He was wearing a pair of obviously worn button up pjs. "Glad you're settling in." He says.

"What is that?" Harry asks, gesturing to the thick purple potion.

"It'll give you a peaceful sleep." Severus promises. "We can discuss more in the morning."

Harry nods and downs the potion, grimacing only slightly at the taste.

Severus sighed in relief when the boy was asleep, now he could go back to Hogwarts headmaster, without having to worry about Harry. He flooed into the headmaster's office, and strolled out of the fireplace.

"Hello Severus." Albus Dumbledore says, without even looking up. "I assumed you'd be back sooner." The old headmaster looked up, as the angry silence from Severus continued to build.

"Severus?" He asks, "What is it?"

"He wasn't." Severus says hoarsely.

"I'm sorry?" Albus presses.

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