Something Good?-Chapter 6

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Just letting you know this will be a really short chapter, but I promise the next one is much longer and exciting. 

Still don't own the Potter franchise. :)

Much to Severus's relief, the rest of the time before Harry's birthday passed without much trouble. Severus did his best to tell Harry all he could about his father and mother. Though he left out stories of his father's cruller pranking, the main story he avoided was the one of how Sirius Black, James's best friend had betrayed James, killing both James and their friend Peter Pettigrew. He hadn't hated Peter as much as the other three, Peter had been a weasley little kid, who seemed to just be happy to be included. Sirius had been more apparent in Severus's bullying, and even though Severus hated the guy, he would never have expected Sirius to hurt his supposed best friend.

He thought it best to avoid stories like that, he knew he had promised to be honest with Harry. But was there really any harm in sheltering the boy for a little longer?

The two wizards spent most of their time in the house's grounds, with a few trips out for hikes (Harry's idea) and a semi-competitive teen quidditch game. (Severus's idea) Both were enjoyed as Severus found ingredients for potions on hikes, and Harry displayed a love for the wizard game. Prompting Severus to secretly buy a training broom for Harry's upcoming eighth birthday.

The two also grew to learn facts about each other, some serious, some silly, like favourite foods, some harder like phobias of theirs.

As Harry's birthday neared, the two discussed how to celebrate Harry's birthday. It was a difficult conversation. Harry had never been to a birthday party, much less had one for himself. Severus hadn't been much of a party person himself, and had only a few memories of celebrations, (mostly of Lily's parties). They finally settled on a small gathering that night, with them, and the Malfoys who were finally coming over to meet Harry. Severus gathered his gifts for Harry, excited to spoil Harry again and prepared a small cake for the five, with candles that had dancing flames. He slyly made the rich chocolate cake silver with rich emerald green accents, Slytherin colours.

Two days before Harry's birthday, the growing excitement was marred by an awful newspaper. Harry enjoyed flipping through the newspaper, and would do so most days. But that day the front article spoke of a bachelor potions master/ death eater taking the troubled boy who lived. The article went on to speak of Severus's complete lack of paternal material, his dark ties and how he was obviously trying to turn Harry dark. Including how Harrys defeat of the dark lord meant he was in line to be the next dark wizard, mentored by Severus Snape.

The newspaper deeply shook the two, as Severus was trying to keep his guardianship of Harry under wraps, and was still uncertain over how well he was doing in helping his new young ward. Harry felt very bad for Severus, as the man had done everything he could to teach and comfort Harry, despite never being a parent before, and having complicated feelings over both of Harry's parents. He did his best to give Severus his little confidence back, and the two ripped up the newspaper together triumphantly, and agreed to not pay any attention to Rita Skeeter.

After that hiccup, Harry waited for his birthday with excitement. Something he'd never really done before. But now he was being told to expect good things, now he was being told that he could want, and ask for things. Not just accept what he was given.

It all seemed so wonderful to the young boy.

But there was a small inkling in the back of his brain, whispering its familiar warnings, over and over again, never stopping.

It will will all go away...

It echoed continuously in his brain. Things were fantastic at the moment. Probably the best he had ever had. And what he couldn't help thinking was, that meant at some point the upwards flight would stop, and he'd come crashing back down to earth.

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