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Izuku groaned eloquently as his eyes started to crack open.

"I feel... like shit."

He forced his eyes open, then winced immediately and shut them tight as the light from the nearby window assaulted him. 'Where am I?' He thought, almost concerningly calmly.

What was the last thing he remembered? Katsuki's water bottle, going to the USJ, the Villains, fighting alongside Katsuki and Kirishima, and-

The nomu.

Izuku's eyes shot open again regardless of the bright light. "Katsuki!" He croaked as he tried to sit up, gripping his sheets tightly as he struggled to raise his upper body.

Just then, two gentle hands caught onto his chest and pushed him back down slowly. Izuku looked up to see Yui staring at him wordlessly.

"Kodai?" His voice choked out as he stared back at her.

She just kept her eyes on him, her features slowly forming a... frown?

Izuku flopped back down onto the bed, before hissing in pain and anger at his carelessness as literally every part of his body screamed at him upon impact. 'Of course, she's still doing that silent 'I'm mad at you' thing. Maybe she actually does hate me.'

Yui kept frowning at him, her hands starting to clench on the front of his shirt, and by extension the skin of his chest. "Um, Kodai... That hurts..."

Her eyes widened, and she immediately let go of him. "...Why...?" She murmured quietly.

Izuku did his best to ignore how cute her quiet voice sounded. "...Why did it hurt?"

She shook her head quickly. "No... Why did you have to leave, and then... And then almost die?"

"Well, I couldn't just abandon them!" Izuku grunted. "And I tried to get out to get Sukehiro-sensei, anyway..."

Kodai shook her head again, sitting in the seat beside his bed. She'd evidently only stood up to push him back down, judging by the bag and drawing pad on the side table hinting that she had been there for a while.

But... If she actually hated him, why had she been waiting so long for him to awaken?

He quieted for a moment. 'Well...she's talking to me now.' He pondered.

"If...you're worried about your brother he, um...he's in another infirmary room right now." She murmured as she sat there. Her blank face gazed upon him as he began to question everything he had thought before.

But then he gave up with a sigh. "Hey, Kodai?"

Yui blinked as she lost her voice again. She opened her mouth, only to close it again wordlessly. Instead taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes. Then opened them again. "Yes?"

"I've been kinda getting this feeling that you hate me for some reason." He looked at her as she furrowed a brow. She clearly wasn't understanding what he was saying. He sighed while he glanced at the ceiling. "It's mainly because you don't really reply to anything I say usually, or just kinda state at me disappointedly."

"Did I do something wrong to you, Kodai?"

Now Yui felt guilty.

She didn't hate him. At all.

It was just the opposite, in fact.

Yui just found it so very, extremely difficult to talk to people.

"I...I don't hate you. I don't dislike you either, Bakugo."

Izuku squinted at her for a moment, staying silent as he listened to what she would say next. "I just...find it really hard to talk to people. I'm..." She paused for a while, so long that Izuku looked like he was about to say something in response.

"Sweet & Sour" (IzuYui)Where stories live. Discover now