*part 33*

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If its any comfort, they died in their sleep" a voice said on the speakers.
We walked round and saw all their dead bodies and it was devastating, we could have helped them.
"Oh my god" i whispered.
"Did you really think i wanted more of you?" The voice said again.
"What the hell?" Bucky said breaking yet another awkward silence.
"Im grateful to them, though. They brought yous here."the voice continued
We realised where the voice was coming from and steve threw his shield at it.
"Please captain the soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets." The voice said from behind a screen. I strained my eyes and I could tell it was zemo, barron zemo.
"Im betting i could beat that" tony said
"Oh im sure you could mr stark, given time but then youd never know why you came." Zemo went on.
"You killed innocent people in vienna just to bring us here?" I questioned.
Steve walked right up to the glass to face zemo who was in a box room thing and we stood not to far behind him.
"Ive thought about nothing else for over a year" he said. What a psychopath.
"I studied you. I followed you. But now that you're standing here... I just realised... theres a bit of green in the blue if your eyes" he continued. What a creep.
"How nice to find a flaw" he laughed.
"Your sakovian. Is that what this is about?"steve said.
"Sokovia was a failed state, long before you blew it to hell, no. Im here because i made a promise" he stated.
"You lost someone?"
"I lost everyone" he said
My heart sunk I finally understood why he done this. I felt bad but there is no need for more disruption. More people have lost their lives or loved ones because of him. We needed to help him.
"And so will you" he continued
He put on a video on the screen, we all wandered over to watch it.
"An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again, but one which crumbles from within? Thats dead forever"
"I know that road" tony finally spoke.
I looked at the screen, so did i.
Thats when I realised what we were about to watch i looked up at bucky worried for what was about to happen.
"What is this?" Tony spoke again.
Zemo stared at him bluntly as he turned back to look at the screen again.
Then the car hit the lamppost. I felt sick watching this as the memory of it happening flooded back. The motorcycle Bucky was one pulled over not long after and i climbed out of the bush to join him. Steve looked at tony and there was a lot of tension everyone but him knew what was happening and he was just starting to clock on. I know tony, and hes not going to take this well.  I looked over at bucky again and he looked at the floor about to cry. I felt so bad for him, at the end of the day he was the one who murdered them. I was just the accomplices. If we weren't arguing then I would have went over to give him a hug but a reassuring look with have to do.
We then saw the man crawling out of the car asking for us to help his wife, which we off course did the opposite.
My eyes started to tear up , I couldn't watch this anymore.
He then stated buckys name and tony looked over at him in anger.
Bucky held his gun tight and i slowly backed towards him. Tony was getting angry as he should after all we were the ones who murdered his parents. The video ended with me shooting the security camera.
WithThere was a huge awkward silence.
Tony turned to us as we raised our guns.
"Tony,no" steve demanded
"Did you know?" He asked looking at steve.
"I didn't know it was them"
"Don't bullshit me,rodgers. Did you know?"
"Yes" steve finally said.

AN^ this is pretty trash and the next few parts are fighting scenes and im terrible are writing those as you probably know by now so yea!
The last episode of haweye aired today it was amazing let me know your thoughts on it !
And remember pls don't be a ghost reader!

Words; 687

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