Vol. 9 Hey, Don't be Mad

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(Alex parks the boat off the shore line. She then gets off the boat and turns to Natasha and gives her a hand. Nat then takes her hand but is offended by this gesture but takes her hand anyways)

Nat- You know I could do this kind of stuff before I got pregnant.

Alex- Then why'd you take it

Nat- Because you offered plus you were right, I brought my kid on a mission

Alex- It's a shame you couldn't leave your kid back at the daycare

Nat- (hmm) Your ok as a friend. But don't get any ideas he's my husband, get your own sister

Alex- Did you just call me "sister".

Nat- Yes, but it's to make sure you get the point

Alex- I'll take what I can get

The two women pass through a wall and decide to follow Tony up to unit 9. Where they witness them talking and from there venture out Alex goes to units 10, 11, 12, and 13. While Natasha sees units 08, 07, 06, and 05.

(Alex catches Nat's attention to Unit 11 and the two walk into the cell block to find a guard keeping Bruce company. The two wait for him to leave)

Hey leaves soon after. Alex then emerges from the wall across from Bruce's cell and approaches him

Alex- Who was that, and is he treating you well

Bruce- He's a great guy who's been feeding me. Plus spending time with me so we're friends.

Alex- so, do you want to leave or not

Bruce- (smirks) Ohh I want to go. But I appreciate him Is all

As they finish up talking Bruce notices Guard #14 (Nathan) standing at the door frame smiling at him

Flash- Guard #14- "So, you left the agency"?

Bruce- "Your going to ask me why aren't you".

Guard #14- "Well I'm curious it also helps that both us aren't really going anywhere any time soon. So spill the beans".

Bruce- (humph) "Ok, well we should start off with the very beginning. Most people think that the whole stream of events started with the crater I was thrown into. But in reality it started much earlier than that".

Guard #14- "Before you continue the story can I just say my name is Nathan Ottermen".

Bruce- "That's an odd last name".

Nathan- "Tell me about it it's a good thing I convinced my wife to let the girls take her maiden name".

Bruce- "What's her name".

Nathan- "Ohh it's Magnolia".

Bruce- "Isn't that a type of spice".

Nathan- "yes, yes it is but anything is better than Ottermen. The girls are getting something better then my name they have their dad and that's all they need plus no bullying as a bonus".

Bruce- "Yah, you have a point that's all your kids will ever need".

Nathan- "You'll see your girl again and it'll be like no time has passed. Look on the bright side being a test dummy/lab rat is no place or life for a child let alone an infant without her parents. But you were about to tell me about your reason for leaving".

Bruce- "Right, I was at Clint's apartment using his only bathroom to wash up. I had remembered some old unresolved tragedies before joining the team some were about being the Hulk but others were about my dead wife Samantha or Sam for short. These old emotions sparked the thought of leaving the life S. H. I. E. L. D. Had offered me. This world was something I had left once before and originally didn't want to come back to but in India I meet Nat and you know the rest."

Nathan- "You joined to help us fight off an alien invasion and the killer robots then went quiet and back into hidden or retirement".

Bruce- "I'd like to say that was the whole situation and how I left. But an old ex of mine decided to show up into my life and used my new found teammates to get me to do her will. And in the middle of the night before we all left to fight again I went to a lake that was on his property and from that lake I was taken onto the open waters and was then injected with something that apparently kept Hulk dorment and I had already let myself be her muse so I was even more her property."

Nathan- "What was her name".

Bruce- "Her name was Monica Rappaccini".

Nathan- "So after she nabbed you. How did she manage to convince your team that you were gone".

Bruce- "She just took me somewhere isolated to talk about how I'd leave The Avengers with little suspicion or resistance. We planned my forced leave to seem by choice so no one could try to save me. Once I convinced them of that she wanted me to come back. But I had a plan to bring Nat with me to escape everyone and then explain Monica to her and the reason why we really left. Because I know that retiring for her would be boring and she'd be happy if she could do both, work and home life. Getting the best of both worlds."

Nathan- "You'd want to give her the option to do what she wants and not force her into anything".

Bruce- "Exactly, but we both know how well that turned out".

Nathan- "So what do you want now"?

Bruce- "I want the best for my family and Natasha doesn't deserve this or want this but it's all I could play to make sure she walks away".

Flash Fin-

(Nathan then smiles at Bruce and turns around and goes back to his post pretending that he saw nothing)

Natasha gets tired of waiting and comes through the wall walks in front of his cell door with her arms crossed scowling.

Nat- So this is where you were in the last seven hours since I last saw you

Bruce- I love that you came to see me, but it's not safe for you to be here (walks towards the cell door)

Nat- I have Alex to cover me and I can take care of myself. I don't need you here in this place for me (is opening the door while looking at him) but I do need another hug

Bruce- (Now free, opens his arms) You came here for a hug?

Nat- Maybe I did and maybe I came for more

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