Vol. 7 Well hello sir

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(Natasha walks back to Alex's room and she shows her a cute little boy with dark eyes, beautiful milky skin, short curly black hair, and wearing an onesie.)

He is still crying and squirming around. So Natasha tries holding him tighter and then she tries changing his position from one side to the other. But nothing she tries bouncing him, destruction him, twirling him around.

He's in a crying mood today and there's nothing else that she can think of doing. She then turns to Alex and suggests she try holding him or something else to try to soothe him.

Nat- Here Alex you want to try getting him down

Alex- (takes The boy from Nat's hands) Sure but you should know that some babies just have those nasty days were all they want to do is cry. In those instances all you can do is hold them (Holds him tightly in her arm and start rocking him forward and backwards) and hope they settle themselves down. You might also have to muscle through it (she points at her bump) Being a mom isn't easy or glamorous but it's something really good with the occasional smile thrown in there to keep us going. This smile sure does do the trick. Also this is Donatello Cassidy Bogdanov. Or Dante for short he's my little man and whole world. (Kisses his cheek gently then puts him down in one of the little chairs near her desk)

Nat- Does he have a father?

Alex- No he died in a soup kitchen fire before Dante was born. (Looks over at Dante) The good news is his father knew and loved him before he was ever out exploring the world. With that love in mind I decided to name Dante after his dad. (Looks back at Natasha) So enough about me. Now that we're all set you know what to do and what happens after this right. Because S.H.E.I.L.D barley liked you then, now you'll be a fugitive with a baby and the Hulk possibly two Hulks. So you're going to have to go a wall for a while. My big question is how did they manage to convince the Avengers to look the other way?

Nat- You said it yourself I have a baby with the Hulk and S.H.E.I.L.D is known for security and they see my family as a threat a weapon of mass destruction. They've managed to keep all my friends busy by having them turn on each other. If they knew the full picture they'd be here trying to help me get Bruce out and safely back home.

Alex- Those are some clever sons of bitches you have for co-workers

(The two women take little Dante to daycare. Then head straight for the . While in the car)

Nat- If I may ask now that Dante isn't here. Why did you say "мой кот толстый". You know that means "My cat is fat". Which doesn't really mean anything important

Alex- Well for starters you and I both know Bruce and his family and what this means for both of us being big parts of life.

Nat- Yes, I have an idea. I had to learn a whole new form of combat well actually 7-ish

Alex- You know how his father is and who his mother was the real one

Nat- again I've meet them prior to getting married

Alex- Well just like you I also had to learn their way of talking

Nat- Right Brooks's broken Russian or never trust literal translation of anything

Alex- Exactly

Nat- Ok so what does that really mean. In Brooks?

Alex- I thought they tought you that already you know before you got married

Nat- It's been a while since I've actually had to use this skill. By the way recently aquired might I add langistic skill that doesn't follow any form of human known language. Which I have mastered

Alex- Ok, who knew you could make the infamous Natasha Romanoff flustered

Nat- I'm not flustered I'm just curious plus the pregnancy hormones make me either come off as emotional or I express myself with more intensity.

Alex- Do you like having emotions again or does this give you the comfort of thinking your human again

Nat- I mean we're technically both human. But I'd say both are really good ways of describing the fact that I'm not flustered but I do like have feelings again

After this the car ride was quiet and uneventful so to counter this Alex turned on the radio and but something on that wasn't for kids. FINALLY she thought to herself ADULT MUSIC.

(They arrive at the docks Natasha tries to get out but Alex shakes her head. She puts the car in reverse and then guns it for the ocean. The car lands on the water and turns into a medium sized speed boat and their off)

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