Chapter Fourteen: Apex

Start from the beginning

Another open doorway brought Malcolm into a long hallway lined with cylindrical tanks. The very same tanks he'd seen in the other scientist's dream. His heart quickened. If they were real, then maybe they held the same creature he'd seen then.

A technician entered the hallway from a door at the other end. She didn't acknowledge Malcolm as she approached, but when she reached him, she paused.

"You all right, doctor?" she asked. "You look tired."

Malcolm turned his head. "I'm fine," he said, being sure to use the scientist's voice. "Just looking for some project files."

The tech gave him a quizzical look. "Which project?"

"These." Malcolm nodded toward the tanks in front of him.

"That information's all on the server, isn't it?" the tech asked, lifting an eyebrow. "Only the supervisors can access those files." She hesitated before adding, "Why do you need that information, exactly?"

"Just...curious about something. It's not important." Malcolm stepped past her and returned to the lab.

Malcolm found a computer that wasn't being used and sat down. When he hit the power button, a loading symbol appeared in the center of the screen. What was it going to be, he wondered as the computer booted up. Eye scan? Fingerprint?

A password box popped up. "Is that all?" Malcolm muttered, a slight smile touching his lips.

Well, if he had his old equipment, he might be able to bypass the password prompt on his own. But hacking such a secure system from scratch wasn't exactly his forte, and he'd always used tools borrowed from Andrew to get into more tightly locked files.

The technician he'd spoken to in the hallway entered the lab, grabbed a notebook off the table, and once again stopped next to him. "I think all the supervisors have left for the night," she said. "If you want to get into those files, you'll have to wait until tomorrow." She didn't wait for a response before walking off.

"We'll see about that," Malcolm said as her footsteps faded. It looked like he'd have to phone a friend.

He reached into the right pocket of the lab coat he was wearing. Empty. He tried the other side and found what he was looking for: a cell phone. A quick glance back revealed that there was only one other researcher left in the lab, a man on the other side of the room with headphones in.

Malcolm punched a number into the phone, hoping it hadn't changed in the past few years, and held it up to his ear.

The phone only rang once. "How did you get this number?" the man on the other end demanded.

"James," Malcolm replied coolly. "How are things over at Scorpion?"

There was a pause. "Who is this?"

"You don't remember me? It's only been a few years. Say, how's that secret project of yours coming along?"

"Excuse me?"

Malcolm chuckled. "My apologies. I forgot I was using someone else's voice." He tapped his fingers against the desk. May as well give it a try, now. He reached for his real voice and spoke. "Recognize me now?"

"Malcolm?" James couldn't keep the surprise out of his voice. And it wasn't easy to take the Director by surprise.

"Correct." Malcolm smirked. "Now, I need your help with something."

"Where have you been?" James asked, his tone still incredulous. "And how are you—?"

"What, did you miss me?" Malcolm cut him off. "You seem to be doing pretty well without my help. Now listen, I have something I need you to do."

The Pyramid Chronicles: Fortuna Guard (#2) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now