Part 16 i belive😭

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Have I returned? Idk👁👄👁
skylar: BRADY IM HOME.
skylar Brady's sister walks in to the house with her two friends Alana and mya.
Alana: is he here?
skylar: I think so
They all walk upstairs and see Brady's door locked
Skylar: BRADYY
Brady quickly gets out of bed
Brady: yes?
Skylar: why didn't you awnser my calls
Skylar: I wanted to see if you wanted anything from moms store, also who's teslas outside we don't have one?
Brady: don't worry about it
mya: awkwarddd.
Brady slams the door
Alana: what was that about omg.
mya: they're someone here?
skylar: idk

Larri: what was that about
Brady: just my sister being nosy. Wanna watch a movie?
Larri: sure how about encontano
Brady: ok ok
about 40 minutes into the movie.
Brady: omg.
Brady gets up to open the door
Brady: yes?
Skylar: do you have someone over?
Brady: what if I do how does that have anything to do with you?
skylar: it's kinda late to have someone over. Is it Emma
Brady: no why would you say her
Skylar: because you guys dated didn't you?
Brady: I have my best friend over that it good bye
Brady: slams the door.
larri: so Emma has been coming over recently huh?
Brady: no, my sister just loves her for some reason.
Larri: yea I think I'm gonna go.
Larri grabs his stuff.
Brady: wait....

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