Chapter 2

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Quick authors note- this chapter is dedicated to Patrick, who always knew how to treat a lady and how to make her laugh. Rest In Peace buddy.

Friday rolls around quickly, me having been holed up in my room to work on school, and not going anywhere except to work. Trevor and I haven't seen each other since the accidental kiss. I mean it wasn't like either of us meant for it to happen. I for one don't feel any different, but I mean it was nice though. Maybe I'm just touch starved or something. 

I'm pulled from my thoughts by my phone dinging with a new text.

Ari 💋
Wanna party tonight?


Austin Wallace's place. You know where that is?

Yeah, by the water park. I didn't know him and Mason worked together.

Okay. Ppl are gonna be there around 8.

U better be glad it's my night off. Even tho I missed the other day 😂😂



I decide to see if Trev wants to come, even though it's gonna be a bunch of people way younger than him.

Feel like partying tonight?


Austin Wallace's house

Ig. When



We're okay right?

Like no awkward tension

Yea why? U ok?

Yeah. It's been a weird week.

C u at 8 I'll pick you up


I decide to quickly shower and get dressed. I put on a pair of ripped high waisted jeans and a baby blue crop top, which almost meets the jeans. I straighten my hair and do some light natural makeup. I slip on some random socks and zip up my boots. I take a selfie in the full-length mirror hanging on my door and post it on my Snapchat story, captioning it "Outside tonight ❤️"

I make my way into the living room where my mom is watching a Stephen King movie. She pauses it before acknowledging me. "Hey Kaleigh, you look so pretty. It's nice to see you out of your room. What's the occasion?"

I have to restrain from rolling my eyes. "I'm going to a party with Aria, Mason, and Trevor."

"All I ask is that you be careful and be safe. Please do not come in the door so drunk that you're falling everywhere. Also, if you drink anything DO NOT get behind the wheel of a car. Call me or dad, okay?" Wow. Where did that come from?

"Okay mom. But I'm pretty sure Trevor is gonna drive, he's not really a big drinker." I tell her nicely, as she really is just worried about me.

"Okay sweetie." She pushes play on the movie, and we watch a little bit of it. Trevor texts me that he's waiting outside for me.

"Okay bye mom love you." I hug her and she kisses my cheek.

"Be safe sweetie!" She calls as I'm walking out the door.

He leans over and pops my door open. "Hey baby girl."

"Hey." I smile as I get in and buckle up. "How's the rest of your week? I've been holed up studying and working." I laugh

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