"Who?", Harry gasped, trying to seem serious as he looked out through the window over his shoulder as the bus had started moving already. Louis did the same and nodded to a group of fans waving him off.

"Red jacket."

Harry squinted his eyes looking out and spotted a blonde girl with a red leather jacket. Harry gasped and wrapped his legs around Louis who only chuckled. 

"Mine, mine, mine!", Harry giggled as he wrapped his arms around Louis after the bus had turned, knowing that the group couldn't see them anymore. 

Louis leaned back on Harry's chest as he had turned his body side ways along with Harry when Harry had wrapped his legs around his waist.

"All yours!", Louis said proudly while tilting his head back to be able to see Harry's face. 

Harry giggled and looked down at Louis before he leaned in and pecked his lips. Louis chuckled before he pecked him back and let one of his hands on Harry's forearm that laid across his chest. Harry leaned his back against the wall as they were sitting in one fo the corners while holding Louis in his arms. 


Harry woke up in the middle of the night. He looked over at Louis who was sound asleep right next to him and except for a small string of light the entire bus was completely dark. He cuddled up to Louis' side as he tried to fall back asleep. He didn't know how much time had passed but eventually he got sick of trying to fall back. He carefully sat up, as much as he could despite the small space they were inside, and carefully climbed over Louis. He grabbed a hold of the top of the bunk bed as he searched for the floor with one of his feet. Once he felt the floor he jumped out of the bunk bed and made sure that the curtain stopped any lights from reaching Louis as he still slept peacefully. Harry rubbed his eye as he walked out to the couches where he found Paul sitting by one of the tables solving sudokus. 

"Jeez!", Paul gasped as he looked up at Harry who silently walked closer before he sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry.", Harry said as he realized how Paul didn't hear or see him at all before he sat down.

"It's alright.", Paul chuckled lightly. "Can't sleep?", he continued as he closed the sudoku. Harry shook his head in response to which Paul asked another question. "Are you okay?" He saw that not only did Harry seem tired, he also seemed nervous or anxious. 

"What will happen if they find someone to replace John with?", Harry asked and wrapped his arms around himself to keep himself warm. 

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, how can we know he doesn't expose Louis? It's clear that he wants to ruin as much as he possibly can."

"I think the management has their ways. Are you scared that he'll tell about you and Lou?"

"Mhm. I mean, I obviously don't mind, but I don't want to be the reason for Louis' reputation to go down and destroy his career.." 

Louis was in the stage between asleep and awake as he attempted to wrap his arm around Harry, only to realize no one was there. Louis opened his sleepy eyes and looked around. He turned over on his back, listening to hear if someone - Harry - was using the bathroom. That's when he heard Harry's voice talking and Paul's voice answering. Louis stretched his legs as much as he could before he opened up the curtain to climb down from the bed. He stretched his body once more as he landed on the floor before he walked out to where he heard the voices coming from. 

"What's going on?", Louis asked as he slowly made his way towards Harry who looked at him. 

"Did we wake you?", Harry asked instead to which Louis yawned and shook his head. 

"Harry couldn't sleep.", Paul said and showed a small smile. 

"No? What's wrong?", Louis pouted and let his hand in Harry's hair after placing his arm behind Harry on top of the backrest of the couch. 

"Thoughts about the situation.", Harry shrugged and leaned against Louis. Louis twirled Harry's hair around his fingers and looked at Harry who looked back at him. Louis didn't get to question it before Harry opened his mouth again. "I don't trust him." 


"John. If he get kicked off, what will keep him from not exposing you?"

"I'm sure the management will handle all of that, love. I've worked with bad people before and no one has opened their mouth, no matter how much they have known or seen behind the scenes. Don't worry about it, it's out of your control.", Louis said calmly while playing with Harry's hair. 

The three of them stayed up talking for a while before Louis noticed how Harry barely could keep his eyes open. Louis chuckled fondly and caressed Harry's cheek with the back of his hand.

"Wanna go to bed again, baby?", Louis asked to which Harry slowly nodded his head.

Louis chuckled lightly once more before he stood up and held out his hand for Harry to pull himself up with. After getting up, Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist and slowly walked with him back to the bunk bed after saying goodnight to Paul who gathered up his things to get some sleep as well. Louis guided Harry all the way as he could've fallen asleep on the spot whenever they stopped. He helped him climb up and into the bed and made sure he was comfy before he climbed in himself. Laying face to face Louis gently removed a string of curls from Harry's eyes before he made sure that they were covered by the blanket properly. Louis smiled as Harry moved his head even closer to the point where their noses touched each other and they could feel each other's breath against their skin. Louis smiled fondly and kept caressing Harry's cheek softly. Harry smiled feeling Louis' warm hand against his skin. Louis licked his lips smiling and gently taped Harry's dimple with the tip of his index finger causing Harry to let out a small giggle. Louis chuckled lightly and fondly before he gently kissed Harry on his lips, Harry kissing him back but slower and more lazy. 

"Good night, little one.", Louis whispered as he placed his hands under his head underneath the pillow. Harry took a deep breath and as he breathed out he could only mouth the words 'good night'. Louis smiled as he closed his eyes to let himself fall asleep as well.  

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