Ward 23 : Accept Me

Start from the beginning

"My wife,to make this rose strong,it should come from within,you should plant the roots first and not the petals"

"But the roots are ugly"

"No,this roots are black roses too,this is where the beautiful petals derived its beauty"

"So I should plant the roots first?"

"Yeah,your rose should stem from within so that the foundation of its beauty is solid"

"You mean Mrs.Kana is beautiful?"

Harix stopped digging the soil inside the porcelain vase.He looked at his wife with amazement,they were talking about the rose, how Mrs.Kana became a rose? Harix's question in his mind.

To join his wife's crazy thoughts,he asked further

"Mrs.Kana is a rose?"
Harix almost burst into laughter while asking his wife,but he suppressed it,he really suppressed it

"Mrs.Kana has a good heart,if beauty should stem from within means Mrs.Kana is beautiful"

"Woah you are learning"
This kind of analysis was no genius, especially to the poet,but Harix was happy that his wife was slowly learning. She analyzed like a normal human now.Her brain was developing.Harix was planning that when she got well, He would enroll her in college.

"Am I?"
Drayan asked proudly,she didn't know how she was able to produce those thoughts, but she was satisfied when he saw her husband's happy face.

"Yeah you are" Harix answered and they both laughed.

Harix was both shocked and amazed.Her cognitive learning had been active now.She was already doing critical thinking.The doctor couldn't hide his happiness,he smiled,seated and joined the rose girl on her endeavor. But while they were enjoying the moment, someone coughed and ruined the perfect shot.

"Ehem...did I miss something?"
Maestro Frank didn't expect the beautiful scene drawn inside the garden hut.He saw his son's playful side,but what triggered his happiness was when he saw him smile,he smiled wholeheartedly together with his wife.

"I guess I miss something"

Harix courteously said his maestro's name.

Drayan and Harix abruptly stood up.Harix wasn't informed of his maestro's sudden visit.

It was the first time Drayan saw maestro Frank, so she immediately held Harix's left arm,she was afraid to see the unfamiliar face.

Maestro saw how Drayan held Harix's arm,she was clinging to it as if someone were going to hurt her.

He was looking at them,he also saw how Harix calmed his wife.

"It's my baba's best friend"
Harix whispered to Drayan to steady her shaking hand and fast heartbeat.

"You haven't visited me lately"

Drayan softly called her husband's name.Harix noticed the tight hold of Drayan's hand to his gray shirt, and the maestro noticed it too.

"He is my  baba's best friend,my second dad" Harix explained again to the frightened Drayan

"My bad I didn't introduce myself,I am maestro Frank"

"Hi?" Drayan responded.

"Dry get inside and wash your hands,and wait for me there"

"Okay" Drayan nodded and followed her husband's command.

Maestro Frank smirked with his rebel students calming words

"Maestro, I will just bring her inside,wait for me here"
Harix still decided to accompany his wife inside

"Of course son"
Maestro gave Drayan a friendly smile while Drayan gave her a forced smile

"You adiscernedted, so you applied my advice?"
The maestro's first inquiry when they reached the balcony garden.

"Yes" Harix short reply, but he didn't know what this yes was for,was it for happiness? Or for his maestro's advice .

"Is this a deception or a true act?"Maestro tried to squeeze again the handsome young man who seemed avoiding the current topic.They were both sitting now on the wooden chair.

The maestro received Harix's silence.He didn't produce any words.He just looked at straight to one of the dying roses.His maestro was wondering if he heard the question or he was just trying to figure out the answer.

"Whatever it is I am happy for you" Maestro sealed the topic using his fatherly tone.

"I don't think it is a good thing, maestro" Harix finally regained his cold soul.It had been gone since the sweet garden scene.

"You deserve to be happy, son,lose yourself,lose your heart"

"If I do that,i will lose my mind"

"Well it's called "love" son"

"I don't do love maestro,my family is already enough for me"

"You hurt me, son"

"You are my family"

"And Drayan is your family now"

"You are clever"

"I am maestro frank dear,your best teacher"

"Bad teacher"

"You are not doing wrong,she is your wife"
The maestro still continued his poetic nuggets of wisdom.
He saw for the first time the happy face of Harix.He was happy for him,very happy.

"Everything between us is just temporary"

"Lose your heart Harix,you are happy,it will be worth it"

"Losing my heart,means losing myself"
Harix hated losing.Although it was obvious that there was a spark between them, he was still denying it.

"Don't fight yourself son,you will lose"

"Why did you come here?" Harix changed the topic.He changed it because there was a shortage of words to answer his maestro.

"I visited your baba,I don't want to be unfair so I visited also the son"
Since the maestro didn't find him in the hospital,he headed straight to Harix's house

"Quit your drama,you are not fit to it"

"I know you are angry because I ruined the perfect moment"

"You are no fun,not everything you see is art"

"If you'll allow me I can draw that perfect scene I captured"

"Don't try" Harix warned the maestro while accompanying him to the front gate

"Okay go to your wife she is waiting, next time I visit I will be carrying the painting"


"Okay2x I will go"

The student and his maestro laughed together.Harix closed the gate and the forbidden topic,but even after the topic was closed,it still half opened in his mind.

As the maestro said "don't fight yourself you will lose".If the doctor accepted the powerful feeling, was Drayan strong enough to put someone inside her heart?


If the Islamic knowledge being presented here produced confusions and misinterpretation,blame it on me...and may Allah forgive me for these unseen and unintentional mistakes.

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