Hyeri got a message from Jake . He send a location .

"let's meet tonight" .

"It's okay Miss Hyeri our employee will clean this place" Dami say after she been looking at Hyeri that always checking her watch .

"are you sure ?" Hyeri ask . Dami nod her head .

"you have done a lot , you should take a rest since you just recover from sick" Dami smile and Hyeri say thank you leaving the event .

She start her car and follow Jake location . She reach at beach . It almost sunsets time . She look around to find Jake . She found Jake was standing at the middle of the sand . She walk to Jake .

Not knowing Jake put a lights around them . He makes a love shaped .

Jake take one step to Hyeri .

Jake hands reach for her shoulder .

"I want to start a new relationship with you"

Hyeri wanted to step back but Jake pull her for a hug . He hug her tightly doesn't want to let her go .

"I already know everything about the accident . Do not blame on yourself . I still thankful because of the accident because I met you Hyeri . I love you so much . I won't waste you just like Jay did to you . Please trust me" Jake say while hugging her .

Hyeri stop her move and was hesitated if she want to hug him back or not .

"Now your relationship with your dad has become okay . It's our relationship we should fix it right ?" Jake caress her hair .

"Please give me chance and a chance for yourself"

"everything will be okay , Hyeri"

"I love you-

Hyeri hug Jake back . She decided to start a new chapter with Jake . She burst into tears on Jake shoulder .

"I'm sorry for leaving you before" She say between the hug and Jake pull of the hug and look at Hyeri .

He hold her face wiping off her tears .

"It's okay as long we get together again" Jake say and hug her back . Hyeri height was perfect for the forehead kiss and Jake gave one on her head .

"I'm not gonna lying to you anymore" Hyeri raise her hands and Jake laugh looking at her .

Hyeri look at Jake behind .

"The sunset is so beautiful look at it" Hyeri point her finger . Jake take her finger and say

"It is beautiful"

"you are not even looking at it" Hyeri gave a confused look .

"It's you idiot" Jake say before holding her face and gave peck on her lips .

Hyeri was blushed with the compliment .

"Finally I can see you wears that butterfly clip , you really looks beautiful"

Hyeri touch the hair clip and gave a big smile .

"I have something for you" Jake say . Hyeri got curious and more curious when Jake told her to close her eyes .

Jake wore her a necklace . There is a love shaped .

"this is so pretty . Thank you" Hyeri hug Jake .

"let's go" Jake take Hyeri hands .

They walk at the water while Hyeri hugging Jake arm .

"I'm so happy that we are getting back"

"I love you"

"I love you so much"

Sunghoon watch them from far and walk away .

Once again he's giving up his love to Hyeri. They are university mate and always have a crush on her without knowing her name. He still likes her even knowing Hyeri is in relationship with Jay, also Sunghoon is Jay classmates so he always saw her waiting for Jay at the end of their class. Sunghoon is a quiet guy that no ones ever notice him. People only notice him when they did a class picture and wondering who is him every single year. He felt so shocked when he finally knew her name 4 years ago when he help Jake to save her number and so did him save it too. He's in dilemma whether to let her with Jake or just take her away from him. But, thinking of how close him and Jake so he didn't want betray him. After all, his salary is from Jake to help her sick mother. At first, he try to fake himself to mad at Hyeri for lying about her name but he's thinking about Jake too that will be hurting by her action. He changed his mind to get mad only because of Jake not wanted to continue to separate them by doing this bad tricks. He changed his plan for Jake sake. Meeting up with Hyeri at Cafe try to fix their relationships to see Jake being happy again. At this time, he only thinking about how to pay back Jake kindness so he finally ignore his true feelings towards Hyeri. He's glad as long as he did talked with her after been watching her from a far only.

"Why you always falling in love with J ."

J alphabet names he means it.

Start with Jay and now Jake.

"Why you never look at me... a bit is fine for me."

At the end he just wished all the best for Hyeri, his one sided love will end here after having 7 years crush on her.

"I hope you will happy with him"


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