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- Sunday - 

The day before for the eyes surgery . Hyeri said to Jake that she can't send him to the hospital because she need to help her mother . She lied to Jake again . She doesn't want to come with her swollen eyes .  

"where is Yuri ? it's almost night and she still not here" Jake say to Sunghoon . Sunghoon tried to call her multiple times .

Jake felt so worried . It's midnight already , Sunghoon already fall asleep at the sofa . Hyeri came and open the door slowly . She come closer to Jake . Hyeri hold Jake hand and suddenly Jake open his eyes . 

"why you come so late" Jake say 

Hyeri just stay silent . 

"can you sleep here tonight ?" Jake move to the side to give a space to Hyeri . Hyeri lay beside Jake . Jake hug Hyeri .

"I can't wait to see your face" Jake say while caressing Hyeri hair .

Hyeri been holding her tears and just close her eyes . There is Heeseung who looking at the outside of the room . He can't imagine how Hyeri felt about the Jay cheating accident that she didn't even talk to other person instead she keeping it to herself . Now , she is gonna lose Jake but she is the one who make the choice to leaving him for good . She thinks that Jake deserve someone better than her and she doesn't want to bring any bad luck to him anymore . She choose to be a good daughter this time . Hyeri slept beside him . 

Now morning has arrive , one hour left before the surgery , nurses push Jake bed to the surgery room and Hyeri still holding Jake hands while walking beside the bed .

"I can't wait to see your face soon" Jake keep repeating the same words . Hyeri just ignored if she reply it back she knew she will ended up crying . 

The door closed . Hyeri and Sunghoon standing of the door . Hyeri knees become weak knowing that today is the end for both of them .

Sunghoon and Hyeri sat beside each other .

"his dad will come after the surgery , did you want to meet him ?" Sunghoon asked to Hyeri .

Hyeri shake her head .

"I will leave now" 

"told him to forget about me"

Then, Hyeri walk away from the hospital . She got home and saw her dad already prepare bags for them to go to airport . Hyeri decided to take over her dad business after she been thinking in two weeks .

After she locked up herself for two weeks she finally came out from her room and walk to her dad .

"I'm ready to take over your company" Hyeri say weakly can't believe herself that she finally agreed . This is the only way she can stay away from Jake and also to fix her relationship with dad . By doing that in those two weeks she started to do a research about her study and learn a new language . She doesn't have any family holiday at all as she told to Jake . 

She walk at the airport with a heavy heart . She look at her watch and it's almost 9 am . Another minutes before Jake surgery will be done . 

Now , it's the time for the deporting .

"let's go" the dad pat her shoulder . 

When she walk to the airplane she received a notification from Heeseung .

"his surgery went well . Take care my sister remember that I always love you"  

Hyeri eyes tearing up reading her brother message . She close the phone after reading it because she will change the number .

She look at the airplane window .

"I guess I did have to live with the fact that loving you from a distance it will be more better than meeting up with you again after this Jake, I hope we are not seeing each other anymore goodbye from me" 

"chapter close for both of us"

Hyeri smile weakly and closer her eyes waiting to arrive at the new place soon .

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