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Hyeri was laying on her bed looking at her camera . She did capture Jake picture while he's eating . She smiling looking at those picture even there is a selfie of them but Jake is not looking at the camera because she took it secretly .

"why you smiling like a idiot who just falling in love again ?" Heeseung stand in front of the door looking fed up at her sister .

Hyeri quickly off the camera and hid it under pillow .

"you don't know how to knocking ?"

"I don't know I just know how to check people health" Heeseung teasing her back . Hyeri squinting annoyed at her brother jokes .

"alright alright I'm sorry I will knock after this , mom ask me to call you eat for breakfast" and he left close the door back .

Hyeri looking from upstairs to see if her dad was at the dining table or not and he wasn't there . Hyeri happily walking down to the table .

"where is dad ?" Hyeri sat and take the plate taking the fried rice .

"outstation , he left already . i know you are happy right" her mom pinch Hyeri arm teasing her daughter. . Hyeri just giggle .

"so you staying at home today ?" a sudden question from Heeseung .

Hyeri just nod her head taking a full spoon of fried rice into her mouth . Chewing looking happy because the dad is not there nagging at her .

After Heeseung left for work , Hyeri sat at living room alone . Her mom left the living room to check the cake that they bake together today . Hyeri saw infront of her at the coffee table there is a cookies  . She take one and eat . Hyeri almost finish eating the cookies . She is too focused at the movie . She started to feel itchy around her neck . She can't stop sneeze too .

"mom !" Hyeri shout calling her mom . She can't stop scratching her arm .

Her mom came and saw the left over cookies and shocked . It's a oat apple cookies that their neighbor gave it yesterday .

"did you eat all the cookies?" her mom come closer started to feel panic . Hyeri now can't breath properly . Her mom running to upstairs taking the keys to drive Hyeri to hospital . 

"hang in there" her mom driving as fast as she can . Hyeri was about to pass out and there is Heeseung running from the hospital carry her out from the car . Her mom did call Heeseung to inform about Hyeri allergic . 

One hour passed , Hyeri slowly open her eyes and her mom stand up and calling Heeseung to inform Hyeri already wake up .

"m-mom" Hyeri voice doesn't loud as usual because her throat hurts a lot . Her mom can't stop crying looking at the only daughter she have . This is the second happened . The first time when they were going for the family trip at overseas . They received fruits from hotel and there is apple in the basket . Hyeri suddenly can't breath after she eat the apple . They bring her to nearby hospital and the doctor told about Hyeri allergic eating apple .

This could be a reason why dad let Heeseung be a doctor instead of being the CEO for the company because Heeseung wanted to take care her sister . Hyeri doesn't know about this .

"you okay now ?" Heeseung hold Hyeri arms looking at the red marks . Hyeri just nod weakly .

"how was it ?" Mom still feeling worried 

"she's okay mom thanks to you because you drove it fast before something more bad happened" Heeseung hold his mom shoulder to calm her down . 

"let me call your dad to inform about this" mom left the room to make a phone call .

Now , Heeseung looking at his sister . His sister sleepy with the medicine . 

"you worried me Hyeri" Heeseung sat beside her and caressing her hair .

After hours has passed , "mom you can go home now I will stay here tonight" Heeseung say

"alright I will go home , don't forget to give your sister eat dinner" mom calm after hearing Heeseung words .

Heeseung wave his hands to his mother . Now , he walk back to Hyeri room . He saw Hyeri already in a sit position . He help her to remove the ventilator . 

"mom already left" Heeseung saying to Hyeri who just woke up .

"oh.. Im hungry" Hyeri stomach growls .

Heeseung bring the hospital food . They eat together . Heeseung watch Hyeri eat the medicine as well . 

"I'm going now I need to see my patient , go to sleep if you need anything just press this button okay ?" 

Hyeri nod her head . She focused watching cartoon on the hospital television . Hyeri got into a VVIP room so she is not sharing the room with anyone . 

Its almost 9 pm . Hyeri decided to take a walk to make her feel sleepy . She walking with the drip stand . She walking pass the hallway and suddenly she saw Sunghoon was talking with Heeseung . She hid herself at the corner and take a peek looking at them .

"they knew each other ?" Hyeri keeps looking at them not until she saw Jake went out from the room .

"JAKE ?!?!" Hyeri close her mouth worry they will hear her voice .

"so this is the reason why he said don't be friend with Jake because they were friend ?" Hyeri got confused .

Jake has a night appointment to check his eyes condition after one week the incident happened .

"Thank you Doctor Heeseung" and after that Sunghoon walk with Jake leaving the hospital .

When Sunghoon shakes his hand with Heeseung , Hyeri know that will be the end of the conversation . So, she quickly walk to her room before Heeseung caught her .

She wrap herself with blanket and close her eyes to sleep . 

Actually Heeseung knew there is someone is looking from the corner .

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