chapter 2

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Age:10 ..
Time: 11Am

Nandini woke up with puffy eyes ..
She slept crying ..

She went down from her room
Went inside her parents room and saw her father is still in a blank state

She slowly pushed the door of his room completely and went inside and kept her hand on his hand ..

Nandini:Appa please don't be sad ..she said and rubbed his hand a little ..

Her father angrily closed his eyes and stood up and hit her on her face so hard ..
She fallen down on the ground ..

She was in a shock
This is the first time her father ever hit her ..

The print of her fathers hand is on her face ..

"Because of you she died! ..she went to buy something for you ..
And she didn't come back..
Why do you have to kill her ..

Why did you kill her"..he shouted at her ..

Nandini: mom died because of me?..she mumbled died because of me ..she mumbled with slowly tears falling down her eyes ..

"You killed her shouldn't have been born shouldn't..he shouted ..then she could've been alive"..he was in depression ..

He loved her mom more than anything more than nandini in the whole world ..
Her dying broke him more than anything ..
He is in depression

He dashed out of the house after he said that and Nandini sat there still in a shocked state

She moved to the corner of the room keeping her legs upto her face..she sobbed slowly..

Time:6:30 pm

It's evening and her father didn't returned back yet ..
She stood up and went to kitchen ..
Took the apples from the fridge ..
Washed them under water ..
Took the knife and tried to cut them ..

She cut herself many times ..
But still cut the apples ..

As she went out of the kitchen ...
Her father came inside the house ..
He was drunk much that he is unable to stand properly too

She with shaking hands ..went near him and kept the plate near him ..

Nandini: please eat something daddy ..she said with a trembling voice ..

"Leave me alone"..he said angrily ..
He tried to walk inside and she holded his hand ..

Nandini: you didn't eat anything from morning daddy ..please eat ..she said and he got more angry than normal ..
And pushed her hardly
"I said leave me alone"..he shouted and went inside his room

Nandini fallen down as of her head was hit at the edge of the stairs and she fell unconscious and her head is bleeding so much ..


Time: 8:30 pm

Nandini woke up slowly .with heavy pain in her head ..

There was blood all around her ..
She is hurt badly ..
Her eyes are closing ..
But she stood with so much struggle..
Slowly went outside of the outside of the house ..

Everything is spinning ..
There is blood dripping from her face ..
Covering her eyes ..making everything red around her ..

As she didn't eat anything from morning too ..
All the energy drained and fell unconscious after she crossed the house gate ..

Everyone around came running to her ..

A man with black clothes completely covered from top to bottom ..came near her and raised her head ..

"She fell unconscious ..she is hurt badly ..
Call ambulance"..he said and another person beside him nodded his head and called an ambulance ..

He lifted her in his hands and slowly rubbed the blood on her face with his black cloth ..

"You will be fine .. child"..he mumbled in her ears ..


The ambulance arrived
And she was taken inside the vehicle ..

"Someone has to come to the hospital"..a nurse inside said and everyone looked at each other ..

"For fucks sake..that man mumbled ..I am coming ..he said to her and sat inside beside her
Check her parents and call them to hospital"..he ordered his men and they nodded ..

Time: 9:20 pm
Age: 10

They reached the hospital..
Nandini was taken inside the hospital ..
To the emergency room ..

Meanwhile he was asked to full the form
He don't know her name..
So he wrote it as ALTHEA ..
age as 11

The blood was cleaned from her face and her head ..
They cut her hair cause she have to go through stiches ..

She was given 8 stiches and a bandage is covered on her head ..


A nurse came outside the room
"Are you her family ?"..she asked and he nodded ..

"Doctor is calling you"..she said and went from there

He went inside the doctors room ..

"Are you Althea father?"..she asked and he nodded as a no ..

"A relative"..he answered cause he don't know what to answer ..

"Okay ..her head was hurt very badly she has Anemia ..
Her eyes are so red with tears ..
Looks like she cried all night
She will be discharged in a few days but I think taking her to a psychiatrist will help"..
She said and gave her form to him ..

He came outside the room and went inside the room Nandini was kept ..

He kept his hand on her head
And closed his eyes ..
All her memories of her life was flashed infront of him ..

"So that's how she is in this state ..
He mumbled ..
I don't know who you are but made me miss an urgent matter of mine ..
I can't stay here longer so I have heal you ..
He said and touched her wound ..

Her wound was healed ..

"How about I try to take away your memories too .."..she said but stopped ..

"People should bear everything they went through for their whole life ..good or bad .."he said and touched her head ..

"You will be fine"..he whispered in her ear ..
Meanwhile ..his men came ..

"Take care of her ..
The hospital smell is killing me..
He said and turned back to leave ..
Ah ..don't go ravaging cause of the smell and try to stay normal ..
Or else you know what I will do right!"..he said with a death stare and they went silent and nodded ..

He finally left the room after a last glance at nandini

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