I'm Back, Time for the Gigs

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   High Tide Coffee was packed, and The Death Eaters had just finished their loud rock cover of Voldemort by With Confidence. (It's a real song, and the second song on the album is called Keeper, like what the fuck 'Peter the Secret Keeper' is where my brain went other than down the drain okay let's continue) 

   Conveniently, they'd gotten the most applause for the night. Maybe it was their blacked out and skeleton-painted clothes. Maybe it was their sick guitar riffs and drum beat. All James knew was that he was going to have a panic attack on that dam stage.

   "James. Mate. Look at me." Remus gently  grabbed James' shoulders with a loose enough grip that he could pull away if he wanted to. "You're great at singin', right?" He nodded.

   "Good. What about setting up the amps?" James nodded again. "That's great. What about the guitar?" 


   "Great. If only you had the looks. Then you wouldn't need me." Remus sighed in exasperation before turning on his heal and walking up onto the stage, leaving James behind to grab his guitar.

   "Not fair, you little -" James yelled as Remus stepped up to the microphone.

   "Heellooo, everybody. Don't we all love a feisty band mate?" He winked at a pink-haired teen as the customers and staff laughed a bit. "I'm just jokin'. I hate those types of people." There were a few more chuckles as James walked onto the stage carrying his black electric guitar and pink microphone.

   Remus smirked at James before sending a beaming grin to the crowd. "Well, I came here to play, not crack jokes, though that one over there is a hardly running one himself. I'm Remus, and he's James. We're going to be doing a cover of She Looks Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer. I'll be on drums and some vocals while James does the killer guitar riffs." He sent another wink to the crowd before turning on his heel, grabbing the mic from James, who was standing behind him waiting for the mic.

   "Gotta love him, don't you?" James smiled down at the ground, quickly going through a scale to make sure his guitar was in tune before starting the intro. They didn't do intro vocals since Remus was still setting up his mic and drum station. Plus, they only had the two of them, so it would sound weird.

   Remus joined in on the drums after positioning the pink mic in front of his lips.

   "Simmer down, simmer down/They say we're too young now to amount to anything else/But look around/We worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now/If you don't swim, you'll drown

But don't move, honey." James' smirked at the ground before looking back at Remus who smirked back before they both sang together, running on adrenaline and anxiety, feeling the notes and beats flow through them.

   "You look so perfect standing there/In my American Apparel underwear/And I know now, that I'm so down/Your lipstick stain is a work of art/I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart/And I know now, that I'm so down."

    James transitioned into the post-chorus chords while Remus bit his lip, smirking, keeping his eyes on the drums.

  James transitioned into the second verse as Remus stopped playing and sang, simultaneously setting himself up for the next drum que.

"Let's get out, let's get out/'Cause this deadbeat town's only here just to keep us down." Remus started playing, his voice staying the same. Backstage, Sirius was gapping at his ability to transition so smoothly. "While I was out, I found myself alone just thinking/If I showed up with a plane ticket/And a shiny diamond ring with your name on it/Would you wanna run away too?/'Cause all I really want is you."

   James joined in, the two of them seeming to play louder after the split-second pause, James now looking over at Lily.

   "You look so perfect standing there/In my American Apparel underwear/And I know now, that I'm so down/I made a mixtape straight out of '94I've got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor/And I know now, that I'm so down."

   The two of them played with more vigor than before, Remus' hair sweaty and drenched and James' white shirt stuck to his skin.

   Remus' drumming dropped out as his voice filled the silence, and James started playing the low-key riff begging for a dramatic entrance. Remus made eye contact with Sirius, who was backstage, and smirked, making the other man flustered.

   "You look so perfect standing there/In my American Apparel underwear/And I know now, that I'm so down."

   Remus started playing a steady beat, his voice louder now.

"Your lipstick stain is a work of art/I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart/And I know now, that I'm so down." 

   James joined in as the drums and guitar seemed to explode with music. Remus was nodding along with the beat, sure he was going to loose his voice the next day.

   "You look so perfect standing there/In my American Apparel underwear/And I know now, that I'm so down/Your lipstick stain is a work of art/I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart/And I know now, that I'm so down."

   They finished off the song with a quick finale, leaving the crowd speechless momentarily. Then the place erupted. There were a few whistles from the crowd as Remus unplugged his mic and stuck his drum sticks in his back pocket.

   He came out from behind the drums and put an arm around James' shoulder. The other man leaned into him, making the taller of the two chuckle.

   Once the crowd had quieted down, James packed up his guitar. 

   "Thanks for that ending. Really means a lot to us. I hope you enjoyed that one over there. He got very sweaty for you. I think it's worth it, do you?" He laughed as there was a cheer and wolf whistle from the crowd.

   "Look, I told you running would help your lungs." James smirked and rolled his eyes.

   "Speak for yourself, Mr. Comedian. You had to do several push ups, run, and ride a bike to work everyday to get in shape." James said this loud enough for the microphone to pick up.

   "Well," he looked out into the crowd, "if there are any little ears, cover them now." He waited for a second before looking back at James. "Fuck you too."

   Remus laughed at the gasps and chuckles he heard from the crowd.

   "Well, by lovelies. I hope I'll see you soon. Up next are my friends and potential band mates, Lilyflower and the Hoes." There was a chuckle from the crowd as Lily, Sirius, and Peter came on stage, the two men glaring at him while Lily laughed.

   "Rather clever name isn't it? Just came up with it too." Remus murmured into the microphone, sending another round of laughs. "They'll be doing a cover of Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer. Best of luck to you three." Remus waved to the crowd as he jogged off stage.

   Sirius stepped up to the mic and winked, earning a few wolf-whistles. 

   "That's how it's done, Remy, dear." He smirked into the crowd at the curly-haired man as the people around him 'ooh'ed. He just laughed it off and crossed his arms, leaning against the wall.

   "Now, let's see if we can be half as good as them. Lils?" He looked over at the ginger and she nodded. "Let's do this."


(A/N) Aloha from the depths of Tartarus. I decided to update at *squints* 1:39 a.m. I hope it's worth it. I suck at writing music stuff, and I obviously know nothing about any of it, but yeah. Now it's 1:40, so I should be going to bed. Goodnight/morning

1:41 a.m

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2022 ⏰

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