The Overhearing Part 2

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   "Hello. How can I help you?" The dude had a familiar hint of Welsh lilt in his voice that wouldn't be noticeable unless it was pointed out to you. Peter smiled.

"I was wondering if you guys sold All Our Yesterdays by... " He looked at the ground and furrowed his eyebrows. "Ah shit, I forgot to ask Lils who it was by."

He looked back up at Remus who had a strange look on his face. "Well, do you have any books titled All Our Yesterdays?" The spaced out dude snapped out of it and nodded.

"Yep. I'll show you to it." He looked at the black haired man. "Stay out of trouble for me, okay?"

The dude smirked. "I solemnly swear."

Peter murmured, "I'll be up to no good." out of instinct. Both of their heads whipped around to look at him and his eyes widened in realization of what he said.

"What?" Lily, the saving grace that he is, decided to find Peter at that moment.

"Peter! I found the book!" He turned around and smiled at the girl.

"That's great! Now, where's Sirius?" On cue, there was a crashing sound and a yelp. Lily slapped her forehead and Peter burst out laughing. The two dudes just looked at them in shock.

"Lily? Pete? Help!" Sirius called and his two friends set off to find him, Remus and James in their wake. Sure enough, they found Sirius trapped under a bookstand and loads of Rick Riordan's books were covering that floor.

The four took in the situation and started laughing. Remus had to hold onto a bookshelf and James onto Remus to keep from falling over. Sirius glared at them from his place on the floor.

"Ha. Ha. So very funny. Now, if you would kindly stop and help me up, this actually hurts." Lily was the first to sober up, James quickly following.

James picked the bookstand up off of his brother and Lily helped him up. Remus started sorting the books as Peter looked Sirius over for any injuries, for he was studying at medical school.

James went into the back to grab the first aid kit, and Lily helped finish putting the books up.

Once Sirius was all patched up, Remus and James turned to Peter. He seemed to shrink under their towering gazes.

"Did you say what we think you said?" He nodded to Remus.

"Is he the love of my life?" He nodded to James. "And is she the one who stole my heart?" Peter nodded again.

"How do we know we can believe what you say?" Remus asked, raising an eyebrow. Peter gave him an 'are you shitting me' look before sighing.

"Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. Astronomy study, dare, girls dorm, fork." Remus smiled and gave him a hug.

"Is that him then? Does he, y'know..." Remus whispered. Peter nodded. Remus and Peter had been close, so it only made sense that Remus told Peter about his little crush on Sirius.

James scooped them up into a hug as well. "That means that's-"

Remus and Peter sighed and nodded, feeling James' brief hug disappear. The pulled apart and the two brothers were staring at each other, Lily off to the side looking amused.



"You're still short."

"You're still a git."

"You've got a unibrow."

"You have the face of an ogre."

They smiled at each other and hugged. Remus wiped away a fake tear and Peter clapped. Lily laughed.

"Okay, you drama queens. We've got to buy the book and get home. We've got to play tonight." James perked up at the sound of Lily's voice. The brothers broke apart and looked at the redhead. Lily's eyes widened. "Oh gods, don't start with me right now. I have a feeling I'll be seeing a lot more of you. You'll have a chance later." She looked at Sirius.

"C'mon. We'll see them tonight." She marched up to the counter and bought the book. The four dudes just stood watching when Remus snapped out of it.

"Wait, what does she mean you'll see us tonight?" Sirius sent him a smile that almost made him blush.

"Well, Moony dear, I signed us up for the open mic thing at the Three Broomsticks. Wormtail here heard you talking about how Jamesypoo signed you up for the same thing and how you needed more band members." He waggled his eyebrows at the last part. Peter raised his eyebrows.

"Did Lily text you or something?" Sirius shook his head.

"Nope. I was right behind her when you texted." Peter snorted.

"Without context, though. That's fucking creepy." Remus laughed.

   "That's expected with Sirius Black. Either flirty or creepy, no in between." James laughed with Peter as Remus looked at a pouting Sirius with a smug look.

   "You're still a tall, hot, evil, sarcastic, and smug git, Remus Lupin." Remus just rolled his eyes at the shorter man, not even trying to hide the faint blush that complemented his freckles.

   "You love it though." He turned and walked towards the counter and away from a blushing Sirius. He gave Lily a hug and went behind the counter, and waved to the group.

   James smiled and hugged Sirius. "You've got it bad. I ship it." Sirius blushed even redder as James gave Peter a hug and kissed Lily's hand.

   "Good bye, my friends. I shall see you tonight." Lily rolled her eyes and grabbed Sirius and Peter's hands, her book stuffed in her purse.

   "Yeah, yeah. See you Potter." And with that, the three left to start practicing for the gig that would change their lives.


A/N: The ending's kind of shit, but you just have to deal with it. Ooh. That rhymed. I know, I'm a five year old at heart. You have to deal with that too. I have an idea for the next one and I really want it to work, so cross your fingers, toes, arms, and eyes that it works.



Marauder Band au (Plus Lily)Where stories live. Discover now