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A/N: *a wild fanfic author appears*...I'M ALIVE!

Hiya guys I have finally decided to do something productive (no I'm just trying to convince myself that I'm not actually procrastinating[its working]) and update this fic.

Just another reminder that I am indeed English and have no bloody clue whatsoever how an American school functions but I'm trying okay stay with me.

Here are the promised cookies for those of you wonderful readers that caught my Doctor Who reference:


Hmm this chapter is rather angsty...and a bit depressing. But meh - high school DRAMA!

≈Ωne Fandom Is Not Enough≈

Lucia Morris-

I watched Annabeth and Percy walk to the changing rooms and smiled at how close they were. They were swinging their held hands and smiling softly as the other rambled off about something.

Turning, I saw Laura glowering miserably at the couple and rolled my eyes. I would've felt sorry for her but honestly, it wasn't as if Laura hadn't been due a sharp wake up call anyways.

She had had a crush on Percy ever since he arrived at this school years ago - hadn't she realised due to the amount of girls that Percy turned down each day that he had some sort of significant other?

Namely that gorgeous blonde walking in front of us.

I mean, we had all been really worried about Percy, what with him sometimes randomly missing school and then having to go and live with his father for about a year. But the teasing about his girlfriend - that had just been that, teasing. We, well most of us, didn't doubt that he had a girlfriend called Annabeth.

Laura obviously had firmly believed that 'Annabeth' wasn't real.

Hopefully Annabeth's stay at Goode would finally force Laura over her crush.

I, personally, was rather glad that Annabeth was here, Percy seemed a lot happier. Before she had arrived, in previous years, he had always seemed unfocused and sometimes even miserable. Although he never spoke about it, I could tell that he had some sort of heavily guarded secret, probably to do with his dad, that he didn't want us to know and/or couldn't tell us.

But we didn't press, we all knew Percy had had a hard life, what with his parents being split up and his previous step father being an absolute bastard.

But now, that slightly depressed Percy was gone, completely.

His face seemed to be permanently in his elated, lopsided grin and he spoke enthusiastically as Annabeth walked alongside him.

I sighed. They really were a beautiful couple.

And perfect.

Like, I honestly couldn't understand where Harry was coming from with his 'Annabeth is conceited' crap, she seemed so modest. I had spoken with Olivia and she had confirmed that Annabeth was indeed a genius.

We arrived at the changing rooms and we heard the bell ring again.

I started to go in but glanced back at Percy and Annabeth and I was 394% sure that my heart melted.

The two stood with their arms around each other's waist and their foreheads pressed together. Annabeth smiled warmly at something Percy murmured and kissed him on the nose. She said something as she started to pull away and Percy's face twisted into a pout and he stuck out his tongue at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2015 ⏰

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